About this task
You need an EIB session file to complete the steps to insert field points using an import file (.esf file). You can use the .esf file with the Mass Changes Tool (MCT) to create an import file (.imp file), which you use to insert field points. If you do not have an .esf file, contact the KNX programmer.
If you do not have the MCT installed on your computer, go to the Systems Integration Services (SIS) page at https://my.jci.com/sites/EUSysIntegrationProj/Pages/Home-New.aspx. Click Downloads > SIS Engineering Tools > MCT . The program and support files for the MCT are provided. You can run the MCT in demo mode until it is licensed. You must have a licensed version in order to complete the directions in this section.
To license the MCT software, open the MCT and go to Help > About Mass Changes Tool . Click either Load License File (JCI Internal Only) or Create License Request Form (External Users). After you license the MCT, complete the following steps.