NIE Version 6.0 or Higher - Metasys - LIT-12011919 - MS-KNXN89-0 - MS-MBUSN89-0 - MS-MODBUSN89-0 - MS-NIE2910-0 - MS-NIE2916-0 - MS-NIE2920-0 - MS-NIE2926-0 - MS-NIE2960-0 - MS-NIE2966-0 - MS-NIE3910-2 - MS-NIE3920-2 - MS-NIE4910-2 - MS-NIE4920-2 - MS-NIE5920-2 - MS-NIE5960-2 - MS-NIE89SW-0 - MS-NIE89SW-6 - Bulb controller - NIEx9 Network Integration Engine - 7

NIEx9 Driver Manager Application Note

Network Engines > Network Control Engines > NIEx9 Network Integration Engine
Document type
Application Note
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Revision date

The NIEx9 Driver Manager uses the same methods and IP ports as the Network Engine (NxE) Information and Configuration Tool (NCT). For this reason, do not open the NCT or NAE/NIE Update Tool, even if the tool is not connected, when using the NIEx9 Driver Manager.