About this task
You can use MCT at version 2.6 and later to create a new device and the field points related to the C•CURE 9000 or victor integration.
- Open the MCT and select File > New.
Select the Victor - CCURE9000 Integration icon, then
click Next.
Figure 1. New File - Victor Integration
- In the upper-right corner of the Victor - CCURE9000 Integration window, click the ellipses button.
- Select the export file created from the C•CURE 9000 Administation Station or from the victor WS Config Tool.
Click Generate to load the file into the MCT. A tree
view is generated from the XML file that contains the selected properties. You
can use the same window to configure settings for Metasys.
Figure 2. Load export file from C•CURE 9000
Figure 3. Sample load export file from victor
Figure 4. Points to import and related properties
To include Metasys UI objects, complete the following steps:
- Click the Metasys UI tab.
- Select Include Metasys UI objects.
- In the Equipment Definition tree view, select the second level folder, click the edit icon, and then update the name to either security_ccure or security_victor, depending on the source of the export.
- In the Equipment tree view, select the second level folder, click the edit icon, and then update the name to either equipment_ccure or equipment_victor, depending on the source of the export.
Note: If you do not rename the equipment definition folder and the equipment folder, then you cannot integrate both C•CURE and victor in the same site.Figure 5. Metasys UI configuration options
To complete the configuration, click OK. A tree view is
generated from the XML file that contains the selected properties. You can use MCT to configure an integration that contains
either the full set of data or a selected subset of the data. For
further information about the features of MCT, in the MCT application, select Help > Guide.
Figure 6. MCT user interface
Use one of the following methods to import the integration into an NAE or SCT
- To use an .imp file, select File > Save, save the .imp file to your computer, then see Using an .imp file to import field devices and points.
- To insert the integration directly into an SCT archive from MCT, see Inserting field devices and points into an SCT archive database from MCT.
Note: If you import the integration into an NAE or SCT archive, information is only added. You cannot use the import process to modify or delete existing information. Delete objects in the NAE or SCT archive to remove them, or to prepare to import updated versions of the objects.