Creating an integration object - Metasys - LIT-12013151 - System Integration - CCURE-Victor Integration - 10.0

NAE Commissioning for C•CURE-victor Integration Application Note

Building Automation Systems > Utilities and Integrations > CCURE-Victor Integration
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Application Note
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  1. Use the Site Management Portal (SMP) to connect to the engine.
  2. From the Insert menu, click Integration.
  3. On the Select Object Type page, select VND integration, then click Next.
  4. On the Destination page, select the NAE object, then click Next.
    Figure 1. Integration object - VND integration - Destination
  5. On the Identifier page, in the upper-right corner of the window, enter a unique identifier for the integration, then click Next.
    Figure 2. Integration object - VND integration - Identifier
  6. On the Configure page, click the Hardware tab.
  7. In the Vendor DLL field, enter the appropriate integration file name from the following table:
    Note: The driver file names are case sensitive.
    Table 1. Driver file names for the NAE55 and NAE85 engines

    Network engine

    Driver file name




  8. To set integration parameters, in the Vendor Configuration Data list, click the ellipses icon. The Modify List window appears.
  9. For each parameter listed in Table 2, in the Modify List window, enter the appropriate value. Some values may be added automatically.
    Note: Enter values for the parameters from 1 to 4 that match the version of C•CURE or victor that is installed. Verify the value for these parameters with the C•CURE or victor administrator. If one of the parameters from 1 to 4 is incorrect, the NAE cannot connect to the web service.
    Table 2. NAE vendor configuration data setup of the C•CURE-victor trunk


    Value to enter


    The IP address of the host where the victor web service is installed and running


    The instance name used in the victor web server


    The user configured in C•CURE and victor to use the web service. For security reasons, after you click OK, the value in this field is encrypted.


    The password configured in C•CURE and victor to use the web services

    For security reasons, after you click OK, the value in this field is encrypted.


    The client name

    This parameter is a reference that you define. Enter an appropriate value to identify the integration in calls to the web service.


    The polling time period to read the information from the C•CURE and victor systems


    Whether to capture a log file of the driver and save it onto a USB drive

    To enable the log, enter Y. To disable the log, enter N.


    The communication port from which to log events

    For possible values, see Table 3. To log events, also set parameter 7 to Y.


    The USB drive to which the log file is saved

    To log events, also set parameter 7 to Y.

    Table 3. Diagnostic port settings


    Compatible engine models




    all models


    No serial diagnostic output


    all models

    RS-232C (A)

    Communication parameters:

    115200 bits per second

    8 data bits

    no parity

    1 stop bit

    You can only use a port if it is not used for serial communication with 3rd party equipment.



    RS-232C B



    FC Bus

    FC A



    FC Bus

    FC B

    For debug mode, the USB and serial COM logs are independent. If you enable debug mode with no USB pen drive connected, messages are sent only through serial cable. If you enable debug mode with no serial COM port available, a log file is created only on USB drive. If you use the USB log capture, insert the USB pen drive before you enable the log capture. Also, disable the log before you remove the USB pen drive

    As shown in the following figure, a description is added for each parameter to identify its meaning. This description is added automatically and you do not need to enter it during configuration.

    Figure 3. Integration object - VND integration - vendor configuration data
  10. Click OK to close the Modify List page.
  11. Click Next to go to Summary page, then click Finish.
  12. On Extension Wizard page, click Done.


The engine is now connected to the victor web service. To easily transfer device and point information from C•CURE or victor to the NAE or an offline archive, see Transferring device and point information. Alternatively, to manually complete the integration, see Creating a device object and Creating field point objects.