NAE commissioning - Metasys - LIT-1201519 - MS-NAE35xx-2 - MS-NAE45xx-2 - MS-NAE5510-2U - MS-NAE5510-3U - MS-NAE551S-2 - MS-NAE55xx-3 - MS-NCE25xx-0 - MS-NXE85SW-x - Supervisory Device - NAE35 Network Automation Engine - NAE45 Network Automation Engine - NAE55 Network Automation Engine - NAE85 Network Automation Engine - NCE25 Network Control Engine - 11.0

NAE Commissioning Guide

Network Engines > Network Automation Engines > NAE85 Network Automation Engine
Network Engines > Network Automation Engines > NAE35 Network Automation Engine
Network Engines > Network Automation Engines > NAE45 Network Automation Engine
Network Engines > Network Automation Engines > NAE55 Network Automation Engine
Document type
Commissioning Guide
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NAE commissioning includes preparing the network engine for connectivity, connecting to the network engine, adding the network engine to the profile list in Launcher, and accessing and logging in to the engine's Site Management Portal UI. To commission the NAE-S, refer to the NAE-S Commissioning Guide (LIT-12012269) for specific instructions that apply only to this secure NAE model (confidential Johnson Controls document).

Each Metasys network installation, commissioning, and configuration scenario is unique. In some scenarios, the network engines (on a Metasys network) may be commissioned and configured before they are installed and connected to the network; in other scenarios, the network engines are mounted and wired to the network before they are commissioned and configured.

Note: Network engine installation includes locating, mounting, wiring, and powering on an NAE . See Related documentation for references to NAE installation instructions for the various models.

The commissioning tasks, the task order, and the required attribute values (at commissioning) for a network engine are determined by the specific Metasys network installation, commissioning, and configuration scenario for the site. The commissioning procedures presented in this document are the procedures required for most scenarios regardless of when commissioning occurs.

The first task in commissioning an NAE is to establish a connection with the network engine through the Launcher. If the Launcher is not already installed on your machine, you are prompted to install it when you attempt to log in using the web browser. The Launcher is a software application installed on each client computer that lets you access any Metasys server or supervisory engine on the building network, regardless of its software version. For details, refer to the Launcher Tool Help (LIT-12011742) and the Launcher Installation Instructions (LIT-12011783) .

After a connection is established, you can then access the Site Management Portal on the NAE from the Launcher. See NAE connectivity for six typical network connection scenarios. See Site Management Portal user interface and Accessing Site Management Portal UI on an NAE for more information on accessing and navigating the Site Management Portal UI.

After you have accessed the Site Management Portal UI on an NAE , you can configure the engine:

  • object name and basic device parameters

  • host name (computer name), domain name, and network parameters

  • trusted certificates (optional)

  • time and date management parameters

  • alarm and event parameters

  • SNMP messages and the network management destination

  • network integrations

  • third-party protocol integrations

  • Site Director status

  • Advanced Security setting

After commissioning an NAE , you must configure the engine at the job site. The next section, NAE configuration, provides an overview of the sequence of steps needed to install, commission, and configure a new NAE .