Login user names and passwords - Metasys - LIT-1201519 - MS-NAE35xx-2 - MS-NAE45xx-2 - MS-NAE5510-2U - MS-NAE5510-3U - MS-NAE551S-2 - MS-NAE55xx-3 - MS-NCE25xx-0 - MS-NXE85SW-x - Supervisory Device - NAE35 Network Automation Engine - NAE45 Network Automation Engine - NAE55 Network Automation Engine - NAE85 Network Automation Engine - NCE25 Network Control Engine - 11.0

NAE Commissioning Guide

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All NAEs are configured at the factory with the same initial login user name and default password. The initial login user name is MetasysSysAgent, and it is not case sensitive. For the MetasysSysAgent default password, contact your local Johnson Controls® representative.

The initial user name and password is required to log in to any NAE that has never been logged in to before, including a network engine from the factory or one that has been newly updated with SCT or the NAE Update Tool Help. The Change Password dialog box appears immediately to prompt you for a new password. You must change the MetasysSysAgent default password at this point. SCT may also request you to change the password during some database operations if the network engine still has the original default password. The process for updating the password may take up to 30 seconds to complete.

The following table lists the password rules enforced by the Metasys system user's language_locale setting. Three primary user language groups are available: English, non-English (Europe), and non-English (Asia).

Table 1. Metasys System Password Rules
Language of User Supported Language_Locale Enforced Password Rules
English English (en_us)
  • The password must include a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 50 characters.
  • The password cannot include spaces or include a word or phrase that is in the Blocked Words list.
  • The password and the username cannot share the same three consecutive characters.
  • The password must meet the four following conditions:
    • Include at least one number (0–9)
    • Include at least one special character (-, ., @, #, !, ?, $, %)
      Note: Only the special characters listed above can be used; all other special characters are invalid.
    • Include at least one uppercase character
    • Include at least one lowercase character
Non-English (Europe) Czech (cs_cz)

German (de_de)

Spanish (es_es)

French (fr_fr)

Hungarian (hu_hu)

Italian (it_it)

Norwegian (nb_no)

Dutch (nl_nl)

Polish (pl_pl)

Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt_br)

Russian (ru_ru)

Swedish (sv_se)

Turkish (tr_tr)

  • The password must include a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 50 characters.
  • The password cannot include spaces or include a word or phrase that is in the Blocked Words list.
  • The password and the username cannot share the same three consecutive characters.
  • The password must meet three of the following conditions:
    • Include at least one number (0–9)
    • Include at least one special character (-, ., @, #, !, ?, $, %)
    • Include at least one uppercase character
    • Include at least one lowercase character
    • Include at least one Unicode character that is categorized as an alphabetic character but is not uppercase or lowercase
Non-English (Asia) Chinese Simplified (zh_cn)

Chinese Traditional (zh_tw)

Japanese (ja_jp)

Korean (ko_kr)

  • The password must include a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 50 characters.
  • The password cannot include spaces or include a word or phrase that is in the Blocked Words list.
  • The password and the username cannot share the same three consecutive characters.
  • The password must meet two of the following conditions:
    • Include at least one number (0–9)
    • Include at least one special character (-, ., @, #, !, ?, $, %)
    • Include at least one uppercase character
    • Include at least one lowercase character
    • Include at least one Unicode character that is categorized as an alphabetic character but is not uppercase or lowercase

Keep in mind these important facts about network engine passwords:

  • You can change the NAE login user name and password values only when an NAE is a Site Director. If you want to change the login user name or password, you must do so before demoting the NAE from Site Director status.
  • When you change (or add) an NAE login user name or password, make sure to record the new user name and password and store them in a safe location. You cannot access the engine's Site Management Portal UI without a valid user name and password. Refer to the Security Administrator System Technical Bulletin (LIT-1201528) for details.
  • The NAE35 models with Basic Access operation mode require an additional login user name and password to enable and use the Basic Access mode. The initial login user name is BasicSysAgent, and it is not case sensitive. You are prompted to create your own account password.