Creating NAE SNMP alarm notifications and destinations - Metasys - LIT-1201519 - MS-NAE35xx-2 - MS-NAE45xx-2 - MS-NAE5510-2U - MS-NAE5510-3U - MS-NAE551S-2 - MS-NAE55xx-3 - MS-NCE25xx-0 - MS-NXE85SW-x - Supervisory Device - NAE35 Network Automation Engine - NAE45 Network Automation Engine - NAE55 Network Automation Engine - NAE85 Network Automation Engine - NCE25 Network Control Engine - 11.0

NAE Commissioning Guide

Network Engines > Network Automation Engines > NAE85 Network Automation Engine
Network Engines > Network Automation Engines > NAE35 Network Automation Engine
Network Engines > Network Automation Engines > NAE45 Network Automation Engine
Network Engines > Network Automation Engines > NAE55 Network Automation Engine
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Commissioning Guide
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You can set up an NAE to generate and deliver alarm and event messages on a network using SNMP network monitoring.

You can typically use SNMP monitoring for large BAS networks with many network devices. Alarm notifications are sent to and stored on an SNMP management computer that monitors all devices on the network.

You must set up SNMP monitoring at the network level and an SNMP management device must be assigned on the network. If you are applying a Metasys system to any existing network, consult with the network administrator or IT department that administers the building network to determine if SNMP monitoring is available on the network.

Note: In most scenarios, we recommend that you set up the SNMP DDA and configure the SNMP notifications and the notification destinations after an NAE is configured with an archive database that includes the user database.
  1. In the Site Management Portal UI, display the NAE device object and click the SNMP tab.
  2. Click Edit. The SNMP Configuration Edit screen appears (Figure 1).
    Figure 1. NAE SNMP configuration tab - Edit mode
  3. In the Shared Configuration section, set SNMP Enabled value to True if your network application uses SNMP monitoring.
  4. Type the IP address or host name values of the SNMP Management device (computer).
  5. In the Read Only Community and Read/Write Community fields, enter the community string used by the ENMS to retrieve data from objects maintained by managed devices (Table 1).
    Table 1. Share Attributes for SNMP Destination


    Description (Value Requirement/Range)

    Initial Value

    SNMP Enabled

    Enables or disables SNMP DDA on the NAE . (True, False)


    SNMP Trap Version

    Specifies the version of SNMP used on the network on which the NAE resides. (Not required if SNMP Enabled is set to False)

    SNMP Version 1

    SNMP Management Device

    Specifies the IP address or host name of the SNMP Management device on the network on which the NAE resides. The direction of communication is from the SNMP Management device to the NAE . Currently, this function is not supported on the NAE85. (Not required if SNMP Enabled is set to False)

    SNMP Request Port

    Specifies the port on the SNMP server where SNMP notifications are sent. (Not required if SNMP Enabled is set to False)


    Contact Person

    Specifies the contact person for the SNMP notifications. (Not required if SNMP Enabled is set to False)

    Public Community Name

    Specifies the community name used by the NMS to modify data in objects maintained by managed devices. (Not required if SNMP Enabled is set to False)


    SNMP Trap Message Format

    Specifies the format used to generate SNMP notifications. Change to MIB Based when SNMP management application uses the Metasys MIB file to translate SNMP notifications. (Not required if SNMP Enabled is set to False)

    String Based

  6. Click New in the Destinations section. The Destination Configuration edit screen appears (Figure 2).
    Figure 2. SNMP Destination Configuration Tab - Edit Mode
  7. Enter the Destination information for the SNMP trap (Table 2).
    Table 2. Attributes for Specific SNMP Notifications


    Description (Value Requirement/Range)

    Initial Value


    Specifies a functional name for the destination SNMP server. (Maximum 20 characters)

    Destination #

    Trap Community Name

    Specifies the SNMP Community Name used by the Network Management System (NMS) group to listen to the traps. (Maximum 20 characters)


    IP Address

    Specifies the IP Address of the NMS system that receives the trap messages.

    Destination Port Number

    Specifies the port on the SNMP Management device that receives messages from the NAE (typically Port Number 162). The direction of communication is from the NAE to the SNMP Management device.



    Enables or disables the SNMP destination.



    Enables you to specify the rules that filter alarm and event notifications. Each filter has an item, operator, and value.


    Allows you to enable some predefined format characteristics of the notifications that are sent to a destination. Predefined format characteristics include:
    • Notification Priority
    • Notification Message (content)
    • Value
    • Site Name
    • Item Description
    • Item Fully Qualified Reference
    • Item Category
    • Acknowledge Required
    • Previous Status
    (Enable a format by selecting the check box next to the format.)

  8. Click Save when finished.