Adjusting NAE network sensitivity - Metasys - LIT-1201519 - MS-NAE35xx-2 - MS-NAE45xx-2 - MS-NAE5510-2U - MS-NAE5510-3U - MS-NAE551S-2 - MS-NAE55xx-3 - MS-NCE25xx-0 - MS-NXE85SW-x - Supervisory Device - NAE35 Network Automation Engine - NAE45 Network Automation Engine - NAE55 Network Automation Engine - NAE85 Network Automation Engine - NCE25 Network Control Engine - 11.0

NAE Commissioning Guide

Network Engines > Network Automation Engines > NAE55 Network Automation Engine
Network Engines > Network Automation Engines > NAE35 Network Automation Engine
Network Engines > Network Automation Engines > NAE45 Network Automation Engine
Network Engines > Network Automation Engines > NAE85 Network Automation Engine
Document type
Commissioning Guide
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Revision date

About this task

Follow the steps in this section to adjust the network sensitivity of the BACnet/IP and MS/TP field bus networks for a network engine. By increasing the number of seconds the network engine waits before flagging a field device as offline, you can minimize the number of false offline reports. Three different sensitivity options, each with a different set of values, are available: high, medium, and low. The default setting for all network engines upgraded to Release 11.0 is medium.

Before you begin, verify that the engine is set to run in Expert Mode so that all attributes you need to adjust are available. For details, see Enabling Expert mode. Also, select the Advanced view for all attribute windows.

Note: Be consistent with the sensitivity adjustments. For example, if you select low sensitivity, make sure you use the low sensitivity values for all items.

Follow these steps to adjust the sensitivity values:


  1. Open the Focus window for the network engine that you want to adjust. Enter new values for the sensitivity range that you selected using the values listed in Table 1. Figure 1 shows an example.
    Table 1. Supervisory Device Network Settings


    High Sensitivity

    Medium Sensitivity

    Low Sensitivity

    APDU Segment Timeout

    4000 ms

    10000 ms

    20000 ms

    APDU Timeout

    6000 ms

    10000 ms

    20000 ms

    APDU Retries




    Internode Comm Timer
    Note: Older FxC controllers have a supervisory status module that times out unless the Internode Comm Timer is set to high senstivity.

    20 seconds

    120 seconds

    240 seconds

    Figure 1. Example: Supervisory Device Network Settings
  2. Click Save.
  3. Open the Snapshot Focus window for the BACnet Protocol Eng integration of the network engine that you want to adjust. Enter the Poll Delay for the sensitivity range that you selected using the value listed in Table 2. Figure 2 shows an example.
    Table 2. BACnet Protocol Eng Network Settings


    High Sensitivity

    Medium Sensitivity

    Low Sensitivity

    Poll Delay

    20 seconds

    60 seconds

    120 seconds

    Figure 2. Example: BACnet Protocol Eng Network Settings
  4. Click Save.
  5. Open the Snapshot Focus window for the BACnet IP integration of the network engine that you want to adjust. Enter new values for the sensitivity range that you selected using the values listed in Table 3. Figure 3 shows an example.
    Table 3. BACnet IP Network Settings


    High Sensitivity

    Medium Sensitivity

    Low Sensitivity

    APDU Segment Timeout

    8000 ms

    11000 ms

    20000 ms

    APDU Timeout

    6000 ms

    12000 ms

    20000 ms

    APDU Retries




    Internode Comm Timer

    30 seconds

    120 seconds

    240 seconds

    Figure 3. Example: BACnet IP Network Settings
  6. Click Save.
  7. Open the Snapshot Focus window for the Field Bus MSTP integration of the network engine that you want to adjust. Enter new values for the sensitivity range that you selected using the values listed in Table 4. Figure 4 shows an example.
    Table 4. Field Bus MS/TP Network Settings


    High Sensitivity

    Medium Sensitivity

    Low Sensitivity

    APDU Segment Timeout

    6000 ms

    12000 ms

    30000 ms

    APDU Timeout

    8000 ms

    11000 ms

    29000 ms

    APDU Retries




    Internode Comm Timer

    30 seconds

    120 seconds

    240 seconds

    Figure 4. Example: Field Bus MSTP Network Settings
  8. Click Save.
  9. Restart the network engine to put these new settings into effect.