Setting the date and time in the Site Director Network Engine - Metasys - LIT-1201519 - MS-NAE35xx-2 - MS-NAE45xx-2 - MS-NAE5510-2U - MS-NAE5510-3U - MS-NAE551S-2 - MS-NAE55xx-3 - MS-NCE25xx-0 - MS-NXE85SW-x - Supervisory Device - NAE35 Network Automation Engine - NAE45 Network Automation Engine - NAE55 Network Automation Engine - NAE85 Network Automation Engine - NCE25 Network Control Engine - 11.0

NAE Commissioning Guide

Network Engines > Network Automation Engines > NAE55 Network Automation Engine
Network Engines > Network Automation Engines > NAE35 Network Automation Engine
Network Engines > Network Automation Engines > NAE45 Network Automation Engine
Network Engines > Network Automation Engines > NAE85 Network Automation Engine
Document type
Commissioning Guide
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Revision date

About this task

Follow these steps to set the date and time for a network engine that is configured as the Site Director.


  1. In the navigation tree, right-click the Site object and select Command. The Command dialog box appears.
  2. Click Set Time and enter a value in the text box (Figure 1).
    Figure 1. Time in Site Director Network Engine (SNE example)

  3. Click Send.
    Note: If you have a site time server selected, do not attempt to set the time manually. If you have one or more site time servers defined, sending this command generates an error.
  4. In the navigation tree, right-click the Site object and select Command. The Command dialog box appears.
  5. Click Set Date and select a date from the calendar (Figure 2).
    Figure 2. Date in Site Director Network Engine (SNE example)

  6. Click Send.
    Note: If you have one or more site time servers defined, sending this command produces an error. If you have a site time server defined, do not use this command to set the time manually.

    The Site Director time zone, date, and time are now set and propagate to all other child devices on the site. Note that it may take up to 10 minutes for all devices to synchronize.