Network engines have two types of memory: synchronous dynamic random access memory (SDRAM) and flash memory. SDRAM contains data dynamic memory for network engine operations. Flash memory stores the operating system, configuration data, and operations data storage and backup. You can erase either type of memory from the network engine.
The SDRAM memory of a network engine is cleared when the network engine loses power or is restarted through a soft boot. The on-board battery retains power to the system during the shutdown process. After all the LEDs on the engine front cover turn off, the memory is cleared.
The Flash memory of a network engine is cleared when you re-image the network engine with the NAE Update Tool using the PXE Only method. This operation removes all database and trend information, and replaces the system with the factory default image. You must use the PXE Only update, not the HTTP method, to delete all static and changed files from the network engine.
Use the following procedure to completely erase the Flash memory from any of these supported network engine models: MS-NCE25xx-0, MS-NAE35xx-2, MS-NAE45xx-2, MS-NxE55xx-0, MS-NxE55xx-1, and MS-NxE55xx-3. If you need more details than what is provided here, refer to NAE Update Tool Help (LIT-12011524).
- Start the NAE Update Tool from the Start menu on your computer by selecting Programs > Johnson Controls > Metasys > NAE Update Tool.
- If your computer has more than one network card,
the Select Ethernet Adapter screen appears. Select the wired Ethernet card
and click OK. The main screen of the NAE Update Tool appears. Figure 1. NAE Update Tool – Main Screen
Enable verbose messaging in the message window by selecting Advanced Mode in the Options menu.
On the NCE/NAE/NIE menu, select the Add option, and select the type of network engine whose Flash memory you want to erase. The update target window appears.
Figure 2. Example of Adding a Network Engine Target
- Under this General Settings tab, specify the required information for the network engine.
If the device is an NCE25, NAE35, or NAE45, you must select Extended for the Update type and select the Add UI Resources check-box if you need to add a user interface resource file with the update.
If the device is an NAE55, the Update type entry is not required.
In the File section, click the browse button and select the correct image file to use for the engine type.
In the Enable DHCP or Fixed IP Address Information section, specify the following values:
Enable DHCP (Check Box): Mark this check box if the network engine obtains its IP address from a DHCP server on the network (default). Do not mark Enable DHCP if the network engine is assigned a static IP address. If you clear this option, the next four fields become editable.
- IP Mask: If DHCP is not enabled, enter appropriate values for these attributes. You can retrieve these fields from the device if you specify the engine's login credentials and click Test Login Before Update. These IP entries are written to the device at the end of the update, saving you the step of doing so manually.
- For the update process, select PXE Only (update devices in this subnet only). This is the only update method that erases all network engine Flash memory.
If you wish to test logging into the device, specify the login information for the network engine as follows:
User Name and Password: Specify a valid user name and a valid password to access the device. You can use the MetasysSysAgent user with its current password. Note that the default password for the MetasysSysAgent user changed at Release 6.0. For more information, contact your local Johnson Controls representative.
- Test Login Before Update: Click this button to test whether you can login to the device. If Test Login fails using configured values, enter the current Host Name or IP Address here.
After you have entered all necessary fields, click OK to save your entries and return to the Main screen.
On the NAE Update Tool Main screen, make sure that the Status column entry for the network engine whose Flash memory you are erasing is Enabled.
Note: If the Status entry is not Enabled, double-click the row for the network engine that you want to update. The Edit update target screen appears. In the Status drop-down box, select Enabled and click OK. -
Verify that no one is currently logged in to the network engine. If so, log out before proceeding. Also, during the update process, make sure that you do not exit the NAE Update Tool or turn off power to the network engine. Doing so adversely affects the process.
Highlight the network engine in the Target list and click Update Device. The network engine receives the request and the update begins.
If the update does not start, perform a software reset of the device from the SMP UI. In the Navigation tree, right-click the network engine, then select Commands > Reset Device.
The Log window shows the update progress. An Update Complete message in the log indicates a successful update. If any errors occur, refer to the Troubleshooting section in NAE Update Tool Help (LIT-12011524).
When the Status column for the network engine indicates Completed, log in to the newly updated network engine by using the IP address displayed in the log portion of the tool.
Close the NAE Update Tool. The Flash memory is erased and replaced with the factory disk image. The SDRAM is also refreshed by the restart process.