Researching the N2 VAV box application - Metasys - LIT-12011829 - Field Device - VMA18 VAV Modular Assembly

N2 VMA Application Note

Variable Air Volume > Modular Assemblies > VMA18 VAV Modular Assembly
Document type
Application Note
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Revision date

Use the following steps to gather the necessary information in order to choose the appropriate pre-built N2 VAV box application.

  1. If possible, upload the application from the VMA14xx Series Controller using HVAC PRO. If the existing VMA14xx is inoperable, locate the archived version of the CFG file to select the appropriate pre-built N2 VAV box application. If the archived version is not available, upload another available VMA14xx Series Controller with the same or similar configuration and application.
    Note: If the archived version of the CFG file is not available, examine the VAV box system and make note of these characteristics:
    • Type of existing space sensor
    • BOXSIZE - cross-sectional area
    • Box K-Factor - pick-up gain
    • Fan Configuration (none, series, parallel, or exhaust box)
    • Box Heat (type and size)
    • Supplemental Heat (type and size)
    • Occupied Heating Min
    • Unoccupied Heating Min
    • Cooling Minimum Flow
    • Cooling Maximum Flow
    • Heating Minimum Flow
    • Occupied Cooling Min
    • Unoccupied Cooling Min
    Note: The VMA 1832 does not support Heating Maximum values. These values will be supported in a future release of CCT.
  2. Save the uploaded application.
  3. Make note of the supervisory information. See the appropriate section for instructions to update the supervisory controller: