Differences between VMA14xx Series and VMA 1832 Series Controller network interface - Metasys - LIT-12011829 - Field Device - VMA18 VAV Modular Assembly

N2 VMA Application Note

Variable Air Volume > Modular Assemblies > VMA18 VAV Modular Assembly
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See the table below for the differences between the VMA14xx Series and VMA 1832 controller network interface behavior.

Table 1. Differences between VMA14xx Series and VMA 1832 Controller network interface behavior

VMA14xx Series Controller network interface behavior

VMA 1832 Controller network interface behavior

Provides separately mapped reliability points to indicate the online/offline status of its inputs

Reliability is not mapped as a separate point; inputs indicate a reliable or unreliable status in which unreliable can indicate issues such as offline status.

The setpoint and temporary occupancy are analog and binary inputs

When using the Netsensor, the setpoint and temporary occupancy are analog and multi-state values

Supports Occupied/Unoccupied/Standby Biases for Zone Setpoint

Supports Occupied/Unoccupied/Standby Zone Setpoints

OCC-S (Occupancy Status) is a MO object and is writable with priority

OCC-S is a MI object and is now a read-only point

CPIDPV (Cooling PID.Present Value) is an MO object and is writable with priority

CPIDPV is an AO object and is now a read-only point

Provides actuator diagnostics

Does not provide actuator diagnostics

Controller diagnostics are available for mapping

Controller diagnostics are not available for mapping

SUPFLOSP (Flow Control.Flow Controller.Setpoint) is an MO object and is writable with priority

SUPFLOSP is an MI object and is now a read-only point

HTGMODE (Heating Mode.Present Value) is an MO object and is writable with priority

HTGMODE is an MI object and is now a read-only point

BHPIDPV (Box Heat PID.Present Value) is an MO object and is writable with priority

BHPIDPV is an AO object and is now a read-only point

SHPIDPV (Supplemental Heat PID.Present Value) is an MO object and is writable with priority

SHPIDPV is an AO object and is now a read-only point

VAV Box Mode object is present

No VAV Box Mode object exists.

OCCSCHED object is present

Uses the existing OCCSCHEDULE.