Potential Mapping Issues - Metasys - LIT-12011829 - Field Device - VMA18 VAV Modular Assembly

N2 VMA Application Note

Variable Air Volume > Modular Assemblies > VMA18 VAV Modular Assembly
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Application Note
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The Point Mapping Utility attempts to interpret the PRN file data and create the correct type of Metasys object with the proper unit or Enum Set. When the result is incorrect, the information requires a manual update. The Point Mapping Utility frequently has issues with the following:

  • ADI Point Types: Problems often occur when an ADI point type is mapped. See Locating and Fixing Mapping Problems in the Point Mapping Utility for a complete description of the issue associated with ADI point type mapping.
  • Units: Some units may not translate correctly from the PRN file. If the unit in the Point Mapping Utility does not match the unit specified in the PRN file, the unit must be manually set in the Point Mapping Utility.
  • States Text: Some sets do not translate correctly from the PRN file. If the unit in the Point Mapping does not match the unit specified in the PRN file, the enumeration set must be manually set in the Metasys UI.