Resolving No Updates to Input Values - Metasys - LIT-1201535 - Supervisory Device - N1 Network Engine

N1 Migration with the NIE Technical Bulletin

Document type
Technical Bulletin
Document number
Revision date
Table 1. Input Values Do Not Update




Input values do not immediately update when a change of value occurs.

Report Groups are not configured to route reports to the NIE user_app file destination.

BI, BD, and MSD objects are not configured with a normal state or with a status or alarm report type.

BO and MSO objects do not route reports to the NIE when commanded from processes at the NCM or from a PMI workstation.

Configure the report group set for the object's system to route Critical and Status reports to the NIE user apps destination.

Configure objects to route status and alarm report types as either STATUS or a CRIT1, CRIT2, CRIT3, or CRIT4 type.

Consider using a feedback point to monitor critical BO operation.