Creating the Import File Using the N1 Migration Tool - Metasys - LIT-1201535 - Supervisory Device - N1 Network Engine

N1 Migration with the NIE Technical Bulletin

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Technical Bulletin
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Before you run the N1 Migration Tool, make sure to perform the steps listed in the Preparing the N1 Network for Migration section. Keep the following in mind when creating import files:

  • You may only add one global DDL file per N1 Network.

  • All DDL files must be from the same N1 Network.

  • The process of selecting and adding DDL files can be repeated as often as necessary.

  • If you are mapping points from your N1 network to multiple NIEs, you need to create a point import file for each NIE containing the points of all the NCMs to be integrated to that NIE.

  • You can add one or several NC DDL files from an N1 network.

  • If you separate the points of a particular NCM into more than one point import file, these files cannot be migrated to the same NIE.

  1. Start the N1 Migration Tool. The install program for the N1 Migration Tool loads the program in the C:\N1Migration directory. To run the tool, navigate to this directory in Microsoft® Windows® Explorer and double-click the Gen1DDLImport.exe file. The N1 Migration DDL File Selection and Parsing screen appears (Figure 1).

    Figure 1. N1 Migration - DDL File Selection and Parsing Screen

    Note: The Parse DDL File List button is unavailable until the global file and at least one NCM are selected.
  2. Click Add DDL Files. The Open files screen appears (Figure 2). After you select the files you want to add, the other buttons on the DDL File Selection and Parsing Screen become enabled.

    Figure 2. Open Files Screen

  3. After adding all the DDL files to import to a particular NIE, click Parse DDL File List. The files you added are parsed, and a description of the results of the parse is displayed (Figure 3).

    Note: The name of the N1 Network you are migrating should now appear in between the Parse complete description and the list of files to import. In Figure 3, the network name shows as Network: JCHDQTRS.
    Figure 3. N1 Migration - Parse Complete Screen

  4. When parsing is complete, click OK. View Status File is enabled. You can view the status file and save it for reference, or add more NC DDL files. You overwrite the status file each time you click Parse. To save a status file, you need to copy and save the file under a different name. The name of the status file is N1MigrationStatus.txt, and the file is located in the C:\N1Migration directory.

    Note: Importing files that already exist into the Metasys system (for example, if you have already performed a partial migration) causes an error when the files are imported into the Metasys system. If you inadvertently add duplicate files, you must delete duplicate files prior to importing into Metasys system.
    Figure 4. N1 Migration - NCM and N1 Point Removal Screen

  5. When you have all your NC DDL files and your global file added and parsed, click Next. The N1 Migration - NCM and N1 Point Removal screen appears (Figure 4).

  6. Expand lists of points, systems, and NCMs by clicking + signs in the tree. Select the points, systems, and NCMs you do not want to migrate and click Delete. There is one level of Undo; you can only undo your most recent action. When you remove a system from this screen, all points beneath it disappear, but the system remains in the user view that this tool generates. Click Next. The N1 Offline Migration - Migration Summary screen appears (Figure 5).

    Figure 5. N1 Migration - Migration Summary Screen

  7. Use Find in Table to quickly go to a specific NCM or point to verify its existence in the list of NCMs and points to migrate.

    Note: If there are points in a group, the group’s folder icon is colored yellow in the Summary of Groups, System, and Point Migrated box at the top of the Migration Summary Screen (Figure 5).
  8. Select Export NCMs and Points only and then click the Generate Export Data button. A Save As dialog box appears. Enter the name and location for the point import file.

  9. To create a record of the export process, click Save Summary to File.

    Note: Clicking Cancel exits the N1 Migration Tool. If you Cancel the N1 Migration Tool prior to finishing, all files created during this process are deleted. If you wish to keep the Summary file for planning purposes, you must save a copy before canceling this process.
    Figure 6. N1 Migration - Migration Summary Screen

  10. Click Back to import a different set of DDL files. You need a different point import file for each NIE into which you are mapping NCM points. Each time a new point import file is created, the count of Import files goes up by one. When you click Finish, all the files are saved.

  11. Remain on the Migration Summary screen and Create a user view using the instructions for the system configuration that you are setting up. See Creating a User View.