N2 device and point configuration - Metasys - LIT-12012005 - Field Device - N2 Controller - 13.0

Modernization Guide for N2 Controllers - Metasys

Network and Communications > N2 Controls > N2 Controller
Document type
User Guide
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Revision date

XTM replacement applications cannot be duplicated directly using the CCT selection tree; each N2-capable FEC or CGM used to replace an XTM/XP set needs to be custom programmed.

While XTM devices were defined to the supervisory controllers as System 91 Device Type, the N2-capable FEC or CGM needs to be defined as a vendor (VND) Device Type.

The FEC or CGM controller must be defined to the supervisor as a VND Device Type by using a selector in the CCT N2 Mapping feature.

Be sure to allow sufficient time to change the Supervisory database configuration.

The N2-capable FEC or CGM controllers use the N2 protocol. The replacement controller must be mapped to the supervisory controller (NCM, NAE/NCE, SNE/SNC, or NAE) using the VND Device Type.

This change can be done easily using offline configuration tools for N30, NAE/NCE, and SNE/SNC systems.

In NCM systems:

  • Changing the NCM database requires you to delete the old hardware and define the new hardware.
  • The incremental DDL compile method (@NC+) using the DELETE keyword simplifies the NCM database change; GPL and JC Basic processes may not need to be recompiled.

For replacements that switch to VND Device Type, point mapping is unrestricted. To make the replacement operation as similar to the old device as possible, complete the following:

  • Select a Supervisor Object Type that matches the replaced controller point.
  • For multi-state objects, select an appropriate States Text table.
  • Use the Supervisor Object Definition to restrict commands.