Every action and event that occurs in the system is displayed in the Audit and Event Viewers. User and system activities are recorded in the Audit Viewer. It displays the item name, date, and time of the occurrence; user name; old and new values; annotations; and action taken. You can filter the contents of this viewer so that only those transaction messages of particular interest are displayed.
The Event Viewer displays all system events in chronological order. This view allows you to identify the most recent conditions in the building, determine possible relationships between events, and locate the source of error conditions. You can sort information presented in the viewer by date and time, point name, value, and other criteria. The Event Viewer also allows you to acknowledge and annotate any of the displayed event messages.
You can optionally send actions and events logged in the Audit and Event Viewers to an external Syslog UDP server that conforms to the Internet-published RFC 3164. You can choose up to three Syslog destinations to send this information to. The Metasys Events and Audits are packaged in the Syslog standard format. Individual fields of each Metasys message are sent to the Syslog server separated by the vertical bar symbol (|), ensuring the integrity of all data sent to the Syslog server. After the Syslog DDA is configured, all messages sent to the local ADS Repository are also sent immediately to the configured Syslog server. You can apply forensic analysis on the consolidation of all electronic audit and event information at the Syslog server. For more information regarding Syslog DDA, refer to the ADS Commissioning Guide (LIT-1201645).