Features and benefits - Metasys - LIT-12011326 - MS-MVE-0 - MS-MVE-6 - MS-MVE-SC3 - MS-MVE-SCS - Software Application - Metasys for Validated Environments - 13.0.50

Metasys for Validated Environments on Site Management Portal Product Bulletin

Product name
Metasys for Validated Environments
Document type
Product Bulletin
Document number
Revision date
Product status
Advanced reporting
Metasys Advanced Reporting System provides pre-configured reports that assist with high-level data analysis.
Secured data protection
You cannot use SMP to log on to an MVE validated engine to remove or clear events.
Secure user access
Authenticates users and authorizes access privileges to protect system integrity. Requires a unique user name and complex password for each user.
Microsoft Active Directory (AD) Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) integration
Authenticates your identity against AD for Metasys access as a user of the system.
MVE electronic signatures and MVE required annotations
All system changes can be configured to require MVE electronic signatures, or MVE required annotations, or both.
Destination Delivery Agents (DDA)
Access to the email DDA, Syslog DDA, Printer DDA, and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) DDA.
Time-stamped audit and event trails
Generate traceable alarm and event transactions in chronological order. This is with the MVE electronic signature symbol and information and with the MVE required annotations.
Simplified user interface
Provides a shared set of users and user views between the real-time Metasys SMP user interface and the historical Metasys Advanced Reporting System.