Detail widget - Metasys - LIT-12011953 - Server - Metasys UI - 7.0.50

Metasys UI Help

Building Automation Systems > Graphics and Interfaces > Metasys UI
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User Guide
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How do I create a customized authorization category?

To create or modify a custom authorization category, you require Manage Devices & Sites system privilege and Modify Items permission for the Authorization Category of the site object, whose default is General. To create a customized authorization category, complete the following steps:
  1. From the Building Network tree select the site object.
  2. In the Detail widget, click the Authorization Categories tab.
  3. Go to the Custom Authorization Categories section and click the hyperlinked Custom number that you want to edit.

When changing the name of a custom authorization category, the characters listed in the following table are considered illegal and are not allowed by Metasys UI.

Table 2. Illegal characters for custom authorization categories
Character Description
@ At sign (ampersat)
# Hash symbol
* Asterisk
[ Left square bracket
] Right square bracket
? Question mark
: Colon
, Comma
. Period
/ Forward slash

How do I create a custom enumeration set?

You can create two types of custom enumeration sets, namely two-state and multi-state. You can create up to 256 custom enumeration sets with up to 32 states in single enumeration set. To create a custom enumeration set, you require Manage Devices & Sites system privilege and Modify Items permission for the Authorization Category of the site object, whose default is General.

To create a custom enumeration set, complete the following steps:
  1. From the Building Network tree select the site object.
  2. In the Detail widget, click the Custom Enumerations tab.
  3. Click + icon and complete the fields.
    Note: If you create a two-state enumeration set, you cannot modify the number of states at a future date. If you create a multi-state enumeration set, your set must remain a multi-state set and cannot be modified to a two-state set.
  4. Click SAVE to save your changes.
When configuring custom enumeration sets, the characters listed in the following table are considered illegal and are not allowed by Metasys UI.
Note: SMP UI allows certain characters that are not allowed in Metasys UI. If you want to modify a custom enumeration set in Metasys UI that was configured through SMP UI, you must remove any illegal characters before saving your changes in Metasys UI. This includes the following characters: colon(:), comma (,), period (.), and forward slash (/).
Note: If you plan to use SMP UI to later modify your custom enumeration sets, also avoid using the single straight quote character (') in any enumeration set names. Although Metasys UI allows this character, it is an illegal character in SMP UI.
Table 3. Illegal characters for custom enumeration sets categories
Character Description
@ At sign (ampersat)
# Hash symbol
* Asterisk
[ Left square bracket
] Right square bracket
? Question mark
: Colon
, Comma
. Period
/ Forward slash

How do I edit or delete a custom enumeration set?

To modify a custom enumeration set, you require Manage Devices & Sites system privilege and Modify Items permission for the Authorization Category of the site object, whose default is General.

To modify or delete a custom enumeration set, complete the following steps:
  1. From the Building Network tree select the site object.
  2. In the Detail widget, click the Custom Enumerations tab.
  3. Click on the custom enumeration that you want to edit and click the edit icon and complete the fields. Click SAVE to save your changes.
  4. To delete a custom enumeration click the delete icon.
Note: Enumerations marked with * are system created and cannot be modified or removed.
Note: If you delete or modify a custom enumeration set that is currently in use, values and commands for the objects using that enumeration set may no longer display properly.

For the list of illegal characters when modifying a custom enumeration set, see How do I create a custom enumeration set?

How do I associate an object with a legacy graphic in the Detail widget?

Note: Only objects that support the Graphic attribute and the Graphic Alias attribute can be associated with graphics. To check if an object supports these attributes, go to the Detail widget of the object and verify if Graphic and Graphic Alias are listed. For example, the following objects support graphic association:
  • Field controller
  • Event Enrollment
  • Alarm Extension
  • Objects with Intrinsic Alarming Defined set to True
  • Program (SNC device object)
  • Engine at Release 12.0 or later
  • Server
  • Site
Note: You can associate a supported object with a legacy graphic (Graphics+ graphics and Standard graphics) in the Detail widget. Use the Graphics Manager to associate Metasys UI graphics.
To associate a supported object with a legacy graphic, complete the following steps:
  1. Select a supported object that you want to associate with a graphic.
  2. Open the Detail widget of the object, go to Graphic, and click Click To Add. The Graphic window opens.
  3. Select the required graphic from the All Items tree in the Graphic window.
  4. Click SAVE. When you navigate to the object the next time, the Graphics widget with the graphic you associated displays as the default widget.

How do I remove a graphic association?

  1. Select the object that contains the graphic association you want to remove.
  2. Open the Detail widget of the object, go to Graphic, and click on the hyperlinked object name. The Graphic window opens.
  3. Click CLEAR and click Yes to confirm that you want to remove the currently defined reference.

What is a Graphic Alias and how do I configure the Graphic Alias for an object?

The graphic alias provides the text that is used to resolve any aliased bindings within the graphic when the graphic is viewed for the object. This is a portion of the item reference for the object, for example, the item reference for the folder or device containing the object.

To configure the Graphic Alias for an object, complete the following steps:
  1. Open the Detail widget of the object, go to Graphic Alias, and click Click To Add.
  2. Click the tree icon to open the Add Item window.
  3. Select the required item.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click the check mark to save your changes.

Is the Detail widget supported on all devices?

Yes, the Detail widget is supported on desktop, tablets, and smartphones.