The Detail widget for MVE on Metasys UI functions in the same manner as for a non-MVE site, with the following differences.
If the object you are viewing requires an MVE annotation or MVE electronic signature and you modify any value within one of the Detail widget tabs, you are prompted for MVE validation when you save the changes.
If you open Commanding from the Detail widget, see Commanding for MVE on Metasys UI.
With MVE on Metasys UI, when you view the Detail widget for the site object, the Site View tab includes an additional Validated Environment section where you can view and configure the attributes that define the requirements for MVE signatures and MVE annotations. See How do I configure MVE annotation and electronic signature requirements for an MVE site? in What is an MVE site? for more information.
Similarly, when you view the Detail widget for a Metasys server or engine on an MVE site, the Focus tab includes a Validated Environment section where you can view the Metasys server or engine's Is Validated attribute. Use SCT to modify the Is Validated attribute.