Modifying objects using Metasys UI on an MVE site is similar to the functionality on a non-MVE site, with the differences described below.
When you modify one or more attributes of a single object, you are prompted for MVE validation if the object you modified requires an MVE annotation and/or MVE electronic signature.
Single Modify: When you modify one or more attributes of a single validated object on an MVE site, Metasys UI opens the MVE Validation window to prompt you for any required MVE annotation and/or MVE electronic signature before your changes are saved. The MVE Validation prompt does not appear when you modify a non-validated object.
Bulk Modify: On an MVE site, when you modify one or more attributes of a set of multiple objects that includes one or more validated objects, the Bulk Modify window opens the MVE Validation window to prompt you for any required MVE annotation or MVE electronic signature. The MVE Validation prompt does not appear when you are modifying only non-validated objects.