Configuring required MVE electronic signatures and MVE annotations - Metasys - LIT-12011953 - Server - Metasys UI - 7.0.50

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As part of setting up an MVE site, you must configure which objects on validated devices require MVE electronic signatures or MVE annotations. You must also configure the alarm priority thresholds for requiring MVE electronic signatures and MVE annotations for alarms on validated objects.

To configure these values, modify the Validated Environment attributes of the site object described in Table 1. Use the following steps to access the Validated Environment attributes of the site object:
  1. Navigate to the site object and display its Detail widget.
  2. Select the Site View tab.
  3. Find the Validated Environment section in the Site View.
  4. Modify the Signature Include and Signature Exclude attributes to identify which objects require an MVE electronic signature. Modify the Annotation Include and Annotation Exclude attributes to identify which objects require an MVE annotation. Refer to Including and excluding item references for MVE electronic signatures and MVE annotations.
  5. Modify the Signature Alarm Priority Threshold and Annotation Alarm Priority Threshold to identify the alarm priorities for requiring MVE electronic signatures and MVE annotations. Refer to Setting alarm priority thresholds for requiring MVE electronic signatures and MVE annotations.
Note: When you save changes to any of the site object’s Validated Environment attributes, the MVE Validation window will appear if the site object requires an MVE electronic signature and/or MVE annotation.
When an object requires an MVE electronic signature, all audits for that object also require an MVE electronic signature, and all alarms that meet the signature alarm priority threshold also require an MVE electronic signature. Similarly, when an object requires an MVE annotation, all audits for that object also require an MVE annotation, and all alarms that meet the annotation alarm priority threshold also require an MVE annotation.
Table 1. Validated Environments attributes for the site object
Attribute Name Attribute Description
Signature Include
  • Defines a list of item references for objects that require an MVE electronic signature.
  • Any object on a validated device that has a matching item reference to the Signature Include list requires an MVE electronic signature unless it is excluded by the Signature Exclude attribute.
Signature Exclude
  • Defines a list of item references for objects that do not require an MVE electronic signature.
  • Any object on a validated device that has a matching item reference to the Signature Exclude list is excluded from requiring an MVE electronic signature even if its item reference is also in the Signature Include list.
Signature Alarm Priority Threshold
  • Defines the alarm priority threshold for requiring an MVE electronic signature for alarms on objects that require an electronic signature.
  • When an object requires an MVE electronic signature, any alarm on that object that is at or above the Signature Alarm Priority Threshold also requires an MVE electronic signature; alarms below the threshold do not require an MVE electronic signature.
  • When an object does not require an MVE electronic signature, alarms on that object are do not require an MVE electronic signature regardless of the alarm’s priority.
Annotation Include
  • Defines a list of item references for objects that require an MVE annotation.
  • Any object on a validated device that has a matching item reference to the Annotation Include list requires an MVE annotation unless it is excluded by the Annotation Exclude attribute.
Annotation Exclude
  • Defines a list of item references for objects that do not require an MVE annotation.
  • Any object on a validated device that has a matching item reference to the Annotation Exclude list is excluded from requiring an MVE annotation even if its item reference is also in the Annotation Include list.
Annotation Alarm Priority Threshold
  • Defines the alarm priority threshold for requiring an MVE annotation for alarms on objects that require an annotation.
  • When an object requires an MVE annotation, any alarm on that object that is at or above the Signature Alarm Priority Threshold also requires an MVE annotation; alarms below the threshold do not require an MVE annotation.
  • When an object does not require an MVE annotations, alarms on that object are do not require an MVE annotation regardless of the alarm’s priority.

If an item reference is for an object on a non-validated device, MVE electronic signatures and MVE annotations do not apply even if the item reference is a match for the site object’s Signature Include or Annotation Include attribute.

Excluded references always take precedence over included references. If an item reference is a match for both the site object’s Signature Include and Signature Exclude attributes, the object will be excluded for MVE electronic signatures. Likewise, if an item reference is a match for both the site object’s Annotation Include and Annotation Exclude attributes, the object will be excluded for MVE annotations.