Metasys for Validated Environments (MVE) - Metasys - LIT-12011953 - Server - Metasys UI - 7.0.50

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What is an MVE site?

An MVE site consists of a validated MVE site director (ADX) plus one or more validated child engines. An MVE site can optionally include non-validated engines.

On an MVE site, the validated ADX site director and its validated engines are both types of validated devices.

Note: MVE on Metasys UI is available at specific Metasys Releases. For more information, refer to the Metasys for Validated Environments on Metasys UI Technical Bulletin (LIT-12014262) .

What is a validated MVE site director?

A validated MVE site director is an ADX where the MVE software has been installed and licensed and the ADX has been configured with its Is Validated attribute is set to True.
Note: The Is Validated attribute of an ADX is configurable only offline, for example, using SCT.
What are validated and non-validated child engines?
An online child engine on an MVE site is considered a validated engine if it meets the following criteria:
  • It is at the same Metasys release as its site director ADX.
  • Its Is Validated attribute is set to True.
  • Its engine model is supported as a validated device for MVE.
For additional information on the child engine models supported as validated devices, refer to the Metasys for Validated Environments on Metasys UI Technical Bulletin (LIT-12014262) .
Any engine that does not meet all the criteria above is considered a non-validated engine on the MVE site. In addition, offline and unpaired engines are considered non-validated even if they meet all other criteria to be a validated engine.
Note: A child engine's Metasys release is considered the same as the ADX's Metasys release if their major and minor versions match.
Note: The Is Validated attribute of an engine can only be configured offline using SCT.

From Release 13.0, Metasys UI is provided on child engines as the primary user interface for directly logging on to the engine. When you use a supported web browser to access Metasys UI on to a validated child engine on an MVE site, the engine's audits and alarms are view-only. For details, see Alarms and audits for MVE on Metasys UI.

What are validated and non-validated objects?

When an object on a validated device requires an MVE annotation, MVE electronic signature, or both, the object is considered a validated object.

When an object on a validated device requires neither an MVE annotation nor an MVE electronic signature, the object is considered a non-validated object.

All objects on a non-validated device are considered non-validated objects.
Note: See Configuring required MVE electronic signatures and MVE annotations for information on configuring which objects on validated devices require an MVE annotation, MVE electronic signature, both, or neither.

What are validated and non-validated audits?

When an audit is associated with a validated object, the audit is considered a validated audit. The object associated with an audit is identified by the audit's values for Item and Item Reference.

Any audit associated with a non-validated object is considered a non-validated audit.

Any audit associated with an object that does not exist as a Metasys object on the site is considered a non-validated audit. This includes audits associated with objects that have been deleted or removed from the site.

What are validated and non-validated alarms?

When an alarm is associated with a validated object, the alarm is considered a validated alarm if it meets the alarm priority thresholds for requiring an MVE annotation, an MVE electronic signature, or both. The object associated with an alarm is identified by the alarm's values for Item and Item Reference.

Any alarm associated with a non-validated object is considered a non-validated alarm.

Any alarm associated with an object that does not exist as a Metasys object on the site is considered a non-validated alarm. This includes alarms associated with objects that have been deleted or removed from the site.

An alarm that is associated with a validated object but meets neither the alarm priority threshold for requiring an MVE annotation nor the alarm priority threshold for requiring an MVE electronic signature is considered a non-validated alarm. See Setting alarm priority thresholds for requiring MVE electronic signatures and MVE annotations for information on configuring the alarm priority thresholds for requiring MVE annotations and MVE electronic signatures.

Licensing for MVE sites versus non-MVE sites

The table below describes which feature licenses are required, optional, included, and unsupported for MVE versus non-MVE sites that have an ADX site director. Refer to Metasys Server Installation and Upgrade Instructions (LIT-12012162) for more details.
Table 1. Feature licenses for an ADX
Feature description Feature MVE sites Non-MVE sites
Metasys Server ADX Required Required
Metasys for Validated Environments MVE Required Not supported1
ADFS Authentication for Metasys ADFS Not supported Optional
FIPS 140-2 for Metasys FIPS-140 Optional Optional
Metasys BACnet Secure Connect BACNET/SC Optional Optional
Metasys Fault Detection FAULT Not supported Optional
Metasys Fault Triage TRIAGE Not supported Optional
Monitoring and Commanding API MONCMD-API Not supported Optional
Site Management Portal SMP Included with MVE Optional
Note: After installing MVE software on an ADX, you must license both ADX and MVE, otherwise you will not be able to login.
Note: For features that are not supported on an MVE site, activate the feature license only on a non-MVE site. If an unsupported feature is mistakenly licensed on an MVE site, deactivate its license.
Note: There is no need to license SMP on an MVE site. The MVE license provides SMP UI access to the ADX without requiring a separate SMP license.
1 Licensing MVE will have no effect on a machine where MVE software has not been installed.