Server comparison - Metasys - LIT-1201526 - General System Information - Metasys System - 14.0

Metasys System Product Bulletin

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Metasys System
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Product Bulletin
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The Metasys Server software family includes variants with different feature sets to meet a variety of different applications.

Table 1. Metasys Server family comparison
Feature Application and Data Server (ADS) Extended Application and Data Server (ADX) Open Application Server (OAS)
Host Platform Desktop computer platform:
  • Microsoft Windows® operating system
  • Microsoft SQL Server Express database
  • Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) compliant database package
Server platform:
  • Microsoft® Windows Server® operating system
  • Microsoft SQL Server database
Turnkey and virtual desktop platform (virtual machine (VM)):
  • Microsoft Windows® operating system
  • Microsoft SQL Server Express database
  • Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) compliant database package

Virtual server platform (VM):

  • Microsoft® Windows Server® operating system
  • Microsoft SQL Server database
Supported Simultaneous Users Up to 5 users Up to 10, 25, 50, or 100 users (license specific) Up to 5 users
Network Engine Management Up to 14 engines Up to 1,000 engines
Note: Support for engines varies depending on size of server hardware.
OASMIN: 0 engines

OASSTD: up to 2 engines

Direct BACnet Device Management Yes Yes Yes. BACnet/IP and BACnet/SC devices can be managed directly. BACnet MS/TP devices can be managed by using a BACnet/IP to MS/TP router. A maximum of 200 devices are supported.
Archival of Historical Data Manual, scheduled, or automatic Manual, scheduled, or automatic Manual, scheduled, or automatic
Note: You need to purchase the Metasys Historical Data add-on license to use this feature.
User Interface Metasys UI


Metasys UI


Metasys UI


Note: SMP UI is a separate license that is available only to existing Metasys sites and to new or existing Metasys for Validated Environments (MVE) sites.
Supports Export Utility Yes Yes No
Supports Metasys Advanced Reporting No Yes No
Support for Split Configuration No Yes No
Supports Metasys for Validated Environments (MVE) No No
Note: MVE is not supported at Release 14.0.
Five Years of Historical Data in Metasys UI Yes Yes Yes
Note: You need to purchase the Metasys Historical Data add-on license to use this feature.
Supports Metasys Database Manager Yes Yes Yes
Supports Fault Detection and Fault Triage features Yes Yes Yes
Note: At a minimum, you require 16 GB of RAM and four virtual cores to support the Fault Detection and Fault Triage features on an OAS.
Note: You need to purchase the Fault Detection and Fault Triage add-on licenses to use these features.
FIPS 140-2 Level 1 compliance using FIPS validated components Yes Yes Yes
Note: You need to purchase the FIPS 140-2 add-on license to use this feature.
Supports External Identity Provider (OAuth) Yes Yes Yes
Note: External open authorization (OAuth) with OIDC authentication is available to only Metasys UI users.
Supports Server IP Controller Integration Yes Yes No
Supports Energy Dashboard and Reporting Yes Yes No
Note: At Metasys Release 14.0, the Energy Dashboard and Reporting feature is available as a trial.
Supports IPv4 and IPv6 protocols Yes Yes Yes
Supports IEEE 802.1X authentication Yes Yes Yes
Supports BACnet/IP, BACnet/SC, Modbus, KNX IP, C-CURE/Victor, and OPC Unified Architecture (UA) integration Yes Yes Yes
Supports BACnet/SC Yes Yes Yes
Note: You need to purchase the M4-BACNETSC-0 add-on license for each Server to use BACnet/SC.
Supports Warning Banners Yes Yes Yes

For more information, refer to the Application and Data Server (ADS) and Extended Application and Data Server (ADX) Product Bulletin (LIT-1201525) and to Open Application Server (OAS) Product Bulletin (LIT-12013309).