BACnet interface - Metasys - LIT-12013153 - System Integration - Molex Lighting Integration - 11.0

Metasys System Commissioning for Molex Digital Lighting Systems Integration

Integrations > Molex Lighting Integrations > Molex Lighting Integration
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Commissioning Guide
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The Molex CoreSync server includes a BACnet service that virtualizes BACnet devices. The virtualized BACnet devices represent the lighting zones or spaces in a building. Each space then has a set of BACnet objects that are used to monitor and control the lights for the space. In addition, aggregated BACnet devices that represent the entire floor or building are also available so you can view and control all the lights in all spaces on the entire floor or building. This allows for easier monitoring and control with less programming logic in Metasys.

See the following tables for the BACnet object lists provided by Molex.

Table 1. BACnet Object List for Lights
Name Object type Description Read or Write Object ID
Lights on Binary value Turn the lights on or off in the space. Read and write 11501
Lighting level Analog value Set the brightness of the lights from 0-100%. Read and write 10001
Light scene Multistate value A light scene sets the static or dynamic values for all the light fixtures in a space. Named lighting scenes configured in CoreSync are selectable using this object. Read and write 11751
Space occupied Binary input Whether or not the space is occupied (based on movement detected by the PIR occupancy sensor) Read only 13751
Space power Analog input Power consumed by all the lighting devices in a space Read only 13004
Color temperature Analog input The average color temperature (3000K – 5000K) among all the lights in a space Read only 13003
Ambient light level Analog input The average ambient lux value as seen by all sensors in the space Read only 13001
Ambient light level target Positive integer value Sets the target lux level to use for daylight harvesting. Read/write 12251
Occupancy timeout Positive integer value Sets the length of time the space is unoccupied before the lights begin to fade out. Read and write 12252
Occupancy fadeout Positive integer value Sets the length of time to fade the lights as long as the space remains unoccupied Read and write 12253

Molex also provides an add-on sensor module that can be configured into the space that provides the following objects.

Table 2. BACnet object list for add-on sensors
Name Object type Description R/W Object ID
Space temperature Analog input The average space temperature as measured by all sensors in the space Read only 13005
Humidity Analog input The average space humidity as measured by all sensors in the space Read only 13006
Air quality Analog input The average air quality reading as measured by all sensors in the space Read only 13002

Molex also provides a fixture called a beacon that contains a set of RGB LEDs that can turn almost any RGB color to visually indicate situations to occupants in the space. The following objects are special to beacons.

Table 3. BACnet Object list for beacons
Name Object type Description Read or Write Object ID
Lights on Binary value Turn the beacons on or off in the space. Read and write 11501
Lighting level Analog value Set the brightness of the beacons from 0-100%. Read and write 10001
Light color Positive integer value Sets the color of the beacon using RGB. Read and write 12626