Inserting field points - Metasys - LIT-12013153 - System Integration - Molex Lighting Integration - 11.0

Metasys System Commissioning for Molex Digital Lighting Systems Integration

Integrations > Molex Lighting Integrations > Molex Lighting Integration
Document type
Commissioning Guide
Document number
Revision date

About this task

If you are continuing from the Field Device Extension wizard above, proceed to Step 3 with Select Definition Mode.


  1. Drag the lighting device object from the navigation panel to the display panel. The Focus tab for the device appears.
  2. Click Insert > Field Point. The Insert Point wizard appears.
  3. In the Destination window, select the lighting device if not already selected and click Next.
  4. In the Select Definition Mode window, click Invoke Auto Discovery to begin a BACnet point discovery.
  5. The Auto Detect Utility wizard appears. This wizard will show that a discovery is in progress. When the new points are discovered from the device, they will appear in the discovery results list. Click Close when the discovery is complete.
  6. The Point Mapping wizard appears.


Figure 1. Example of lighting mapped into Metasys