Export the lighting schedule from the Molex BACnet Configuration Tool - Metasys - LIT-12013153 - System Integration - Molex Lighting Integration - 11.0

Metasys System Commissioning for Molex Digital Lighting Systems Integration

Integrations > Molex Lighting Integrations > Molex Lighting Integration
Document type
Commissioning Guide
Document number
Revision date

About this task

Before you export the object mapping information, verify that the BACnet settings in BCT are correct. For more information, refer to the BACnet Configuration Tool user manual.

To export the point mapping information, complete the following steps:


  1. Log on to the BCT home page.
  2. In the side pane, click Object Mapping.
  3. To download the lighting spaces and BACnet data, on the Object Mapping page, click Download.
    Figure 1. BCT object mapping download page