To import the Rapid Archive Schedule into the Rapid Archive Field Controller wizard, you must include information in the Site/Building/Floor and Leaf Space columns. For example, if a lighting virtual device is located at BE Headquarters/Campus 507/Building 9/Floor 2/Room 201, in the Site/Building/Floor column enter BE Headquarters/Campus 507/Building 9/Floor 2, and in the Leaf Space column, enter Room 201.
Before you enter space information, you may need to consolidate multiple different space hierarchies. For example, the lighting vendor may follow a different naming convention and division of spaces than the HVAC installers.
If no space information is defined for the site, you can start with the space hierarchy from the lighting vendor, and modify the space hierarchies from other building systems to match. If space information is defined for a site, for example in relation to a HVAC installation, then modify the space hierarchy from the lighting vendor to match the existing hierarchy.