Completing the lighting schedule in Excel - Metasys - LIT-12013153 - System Integration - Molex Lighting Integration - 11.0

Metasys System Commissioning for Molex Digital Lighting Systems Integration

Integrations > Molex Lighting Integrations > Molex Lighting Integration
Document type
Commissioning Guide
Document number
Revision date

About this task

The lighting schedule that you export from the Molex BACnet Configuration Tool includes the following columns of information:

  • Device and Equipment Name
  • Device and Equipment FQR Reference
  • Instance # (BACoid)

Other column headings are included in the lighting schedule for reference, but are not populated with information. The column headings correspond to column headings in the Rapid Archive Schedule. After you add all of the required information to the Rapid Archive Schedule, you can import the file into the Rapid Archive Field Controller wizard in the SCT to quickly create virtual BACnet lighting devices and objects.

For best practice, copy the content from the lighting schedule to the Rapid Archive Schedule before you enter any additional information. For detailed information on use of the Rapid Archive Schedule, refer to the Rapid Archive Schedule Population in the Rapid Archive Wizard section in the Metasys SCT: System Configuration Tool Help (LIT-12011964).

To prepare the Rapid Archive Schedule for import into the SCT, complete the following steps:


  1. Open the lighting schedule in Microsoft® Excel®.
  2. Open C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAC\RAC Schedule_Master.xls in a separate instance of Microsoft Excel.
  3. The RAC Schedule_Master.xls file is read only. Save a copy of the file.
  4. Copy the information from the lighting schedule to the RAC Schedule Master spreadsheet. Check the column headings to ensure that you copy the information to the correct columns.
    Figure 1. Rapid Archive Schedule with basic lighting schedule information

  5. Enter additional information to complete the Rapid Archive Schedule. For information about the required columns, see Table 1.
    Table 1. Required columns for the Rapid Archive Schedule
    RAC column code Column title Description
    RAC-4096 Site/Building/Floor

    See Consolidating spaces

    RAC-4128 Leaf Space

    See Consolidating spaces

    RAC-4144 Device Name

    This column is populated by the exported lighting schedule. Do not modify the values in this column.

    This column populates the Name column in the Rapid Archive wizard.

    RAC-4160 Device FQR Reference

    This column is populated by the exported lighting schedule. Do not modify the values in this column.

    RAC-4170 Equipment Name

    Enter the Controller Name as you want it to be displayed in the Metasys UI's Equipment views. For example, you can copy the values from the Device Name column.

    RAC-4208 Engine Name

    Enter the name of the destination network engine exactly as it appears in SCT.

    This column populates the Supervisory Device column in the Rapid Archive wizard.

    Note: The destination network engine must already be created in the SCT archive, or the relationship is not created through the Rapid Archive wizard.
    RAC-4224 Trunk Name

    Enter the Trunk Name for the destination BACnet/IP integration for the lighting devices exactly as it appears in the network engine.

    This column populates the Integration column in the Rapid Archive wizard.

    • The BACnet/IP integration must already be created under the network engine in the SCT archive, or the integration relationship is not created through the Rapid Archive wizard.
    • You can only create and name one BACnet/IP integration for each network engine.
    RAC-4272 Instance # (BACoid)

    This column is populated by the exported lighting schedule. Do not modify the values in this column.

    RAC-4416 Equipment Definition Name Enter the name of the lighting Equipment Definition. See Preparing an equipment definition in SCT.
    RAC-4432 Controller Template Name Enter the name of the lighting Controller Template. See Preparing a controller template for lighting in SCT.
  6. Save the Rapid Archive Schedule.
  7. Save the Rapid Archive Schedule tab as a .csv file.