Status Indicators - Metasys - LIT-1201793 - Software Application - Metasys Site Management Portal - 12.0.50

Metasys Site Management Portal Help

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Status indicators show the status of items in the system on the user interface. For example, these status indicators appear in the navigation tree, in a column on Summary views, and in a column on the Global Search Viewer’s Search Results table. Also, a connection status indicator appears on the SMP login screen and Main screen to denote the current security level of the certificate. If you place the cursor over the icon, a tooltip appears to further describe the certificate. The following table shows examples of the status indicators and the mode in which they may appear.

Note: In Simulation mode, status indicators only appear in the Summary views in the display frame. The indicators do not appear in the navigation tree in this mode.
  • If the items under an item have different states, the parent item displays only the icon for the state of highest priority of Unreliable Alarm, Alarm, and Warning states. Unreliable Alarm is the highest priority, followed by Alarm and Warning.
  • In rare instances, a network engine may appear online in the navigation map, but is actually offline to the Site Director. To confirm the offline status, open the engine's focus window; the window shows a gray screen with the text Item Not Found. If the engine is offline, the engine and the Site Director may no longer be paired. See Pair Network Engine with Site Director for steps on how to force a re-pairing of the devices.
Table 1. Status Indicators


Indicator Description



Red exclamation point

Alarm: Item (or an item under this item in the tree) is in an alarm state.


Blue exclamation point

Warning: Item (or an item under this item in the tree) is in a warning state or cannot be found on the network.


Red exclamation point and red question mark

Unreliable Alarm: Item (or an item under this item in the tree) may be in alarm, which is an unreliable state.

Note: The Unreliable Alarm icon appears when the alarm state of the object is Unreliable, and only applies to objects that have alarming defined through an alarm extension, intrinsic alarming, or an event enrollment object. If the object’s Reliability attribute causes its Status to be Unreliable, but the object does not have alarming defined, its Alarm State is Normal and the icon is not shown.


Red X

Offline: Item is offline

  • Field devices with the Disable Automatic Alarming attribute set to True display a red X when they are offline. See the appropriate object in the Object Help for details on this attribute.
  • When a SA Bus device, for example, an IOM or sensor, goes offline, an alarm is generated and the device is identified in the Site Management Portal (SMP) UI by the red exclamation point instead of the red X.


Blue X

Communications Error: Unable to read item status - error occurred when attempting to retrieve the item’s current state.


Green arrow

Item has been edited since it was last loaded to the Engine.


Key with slash mark

Network engine is not paired with the Site Director.


Green shield with check mark

Security level between the client computer and the Metasys Server or network engine is encrypted and trusted.



Orange shield with exclamation point

Security level between the client computer and the Metasys Server or network engine is encrypted, but not trusted.



Red shield with X symbol

Security level between the client computer and the Metasys Server or network engine cannot be verified because the certificate has expired, is not valid, or is not present. However, if the client computer is using Launcher 1.6 and the Metasys Server or network engine is at Release 8.1, communication is still encrypted.

