Display Panel Buttons - Metasys - LIT-1201793 - Software Application - Metasys Site Management Portal - 12.0.50

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Display Panel Buttons shows the display panel buttons.

Table 1. Display Panel Buttons



Allows you to edit attributes for the displayed item. The values you can edit vary depending on the displayed item. Click Save to save your changes.

  • This button does not appear in Simulation mode.
  • This button appears dimmed if the user has Standard Access mode, but does not have Modify Items permission for the object being viewed.
  • The term edit refers to changing items using the Edit button. See the Modify section. The term modify refers to changing items using the Modify menu item and the Modify dialog box. See the Modify Dialog section.

Displays the content previously displayed in that panel. Each panel can have a display history of up to five items.

Displays the content of the next panel saved in the history.

Locks the selected display panel (prevents another item from being dropped in this panel and overwriting it). A locked panel can be resized. This button toggles between locked and unlocked.

Maximizes the active panel to the full size of the Display Frame. You can also maximize the pane by double-clicking the header bar. The other panels reappear if you click the restore button.

Restores the panels to their original size and position. You can also restore the pane by double-clicking the header bar.

Closes just the currently displayed view in the display panel.

Closes all of the views in the display panel (including views stored in history).

Displays commonly used information about the displayed item.

Displays all the information the system contains pertaining to the displayed item.