Trend Viewer Overview - Metasys - LIT-1201793 - Software Application - Metasys Site Management Portal - 12.0.50

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The Trend Viewer has three different views: Trend Viewer Chart View, Trend Viewer Table View and Trend Viewer Definition View. The Chart View and Table View allow you to see trend data in a variety of different formats. The Definition View allows you to configure how the data appears within the views.

The Trend Viewer can display the data for up to 10 trends. Although you can select up to 32 items to include in the Trend Viewer, you are limited to showing the data for a maximum of 10 trends in the Chart or Table views. The Trend Viewer lists the included items in the Chart Legend (Chart View), and in the Trend Items table (Definition View). Use the Chart Legend check boxes to choose which items should be shown or hidden. You can also display multiple Trend Viewers in the display panels of the user interface.

As you add items to the Trend Viewer, the trends for the new items are automatically shown up to the maximum number of 10. Once 10 items are shown, you are unable to choose additional trends to show until you hide one or more of the currently displayed trends. You can hide a trend by clearing the check box on the Chart Legend.

Note: Changes you make to the Trend Viewer, such as changes to how the chart appears, are only maintained while you are logged in to the Metasys system user interface. Changes apply to all new instances of Trend Viewer, within your user session. Changes do not affect existing Trend Viewers, Trend Study views, or Trend Extension views.