Tailored Summary Viewer User Interfaces in SMP - Metasys - LIT-1201793 - Software Application - Metasys Site Management Portal - 12.0.50

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Tailored Summary Definition Editor

On a Site Director, the Summary Definition Editor allows you to define and edit an SCT Summary Definition object. The SCT Summary Definition Editor appears when you view an SCT Summary Definition object. In the SMP user interface, you view large quantities of live data in a tabular format. SCT Summary Definition objects always reside on a Site Director in the Configuration Data > SCT Summary Definitions folder of the All Items tree (that is, you cannot put a SCT Summary Definition object in another location).

Summary Definition Tab

The Summary Definition Editor's Summary Definition tab allows you to define the table that appears in the Tailored Summary Viewer.

Figure 1. Summary Definition Editor - Summary Definition Tab

Table 1. Summary Definition Editor - Summary Definition Tab




Defines the label to display in the first column (that is, the row header column) in a Tailored Summary. The label is limited to a maximum of 50 characters. This field also can be left blank.


Allows you to add a column at the end of the column configuration table. To select a column, click the column heading.
Note: One column is created by default when you create the definition. You must define a minimum of at least one column. The display limitation for Tailored Summaries is 100 rows and 7 columns. You may not see optimal performance when tables exceed this recommendation.


Allows you to remove the currently selected column from the column configuration table. To select a column, click the column’s header.
Note: One column is created by default when you create the definition. You must define a minimum of at least one column, and if there is only one column, you cannot delete it.

Column Configuration Table

Lets you configure the columns that appear in the Tailored Summary:
  • Column Heading - Defines the name of the column heading. The name can have a maximum of 50 characters.
  • Child Item - Indicates the item for which the column data is retrieved based on its item name attribute. You can use the Select Item dialog box to pick a name, or type in the text box. The name must match a user-specified pattern (such as ZN-* or ZN-T, Zone-T). You can define an unlimited number of wildcards. The first item found that matches this item name pattern appears in the Tailored Summary view column. To display an attribute of the row item, leave this field blank. Otherwise, specify the name of the child item to display.
    Note: To mass search child-item strings, separate your search criteria with commas. For example, ::classid:156,172,155.
  • Attribute - Defines the attribute information for the column. To display the default attribute, no change is required (that is, leave the Attribute box set to Default). The attributes are grouped into categories for easy selection. To specify an attribute, select a category in the Attribute Filter section of the Select Column Attribute dialog box, and then select the desired attribute from the list.
  • User Definable Attributes
Note: To change the order of the columns, select a column and drag it to the desired placement.
Note: When you display a Tailored Summary, the system searches for data within all levels of a field device (VMA, for example). For all other objects (NAE, for example), the system searches for data only one level down (no subsequent levels).

Browse (Child Item)

Opens the Select Item dialog box where you can specify the item name.
Note: This dialog box provides an easy way to fill in the item name of a child item. It does not mean that the selected item displays in that column.

Browse (Attribute)

Opens the Select Column Attribute dialog box where you can select the attribute to display in the column of the table. This process is necessary only when selecting an attribute other than the default attribute.

This dialog box has two list boxes to aid in selection:
  • Attribute Filter - Allows you to filter the items appearing in the Attribute list using common attribute categories. If you filter on Alarms, for example, the supported alarm attributes appear in the list for selection.
  • Attribute - Lists the available attributes for selection.
Note: To display the default attribute of the row item, leave the Attribute box set to Default (Attribute Filter: Common Attributes and Attribute: Default).

Summary Definition Configuration Tab

The Summary Definition Configuration tab allows you to edit the configuration data for the Summary Definition.
Table 2. Tailored Summary Definition - Configuration Tab




Allows you to enter a name for the Summary Definition object. There is a plain text limit of 32 characters.


Allows you to enter a description of the Summary Definition object. There is a plain text limit of 32 characters.

Object Type

Indicates the Object Type.

Authorization Category

Lets you choose the Authorization Category for the Summary Definition object. The default Authorization Category for the Summary Definition object is General.