Event Message Routing Sample Scenario - Metasys - LIT-1201793 - Software Application - Metasys Site Management Portal - 12.0.50

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An Engine is configured to route all event messages to John Smith’s (Building Operations Engineer) email address and a set of selected event messages to his manager’s (Building Operations Manager) pager.

The following configuration is required to make this scenario work:

Make sure the Engine is configured properly and the engine model supports the event message routing method you are using. Older network engines may work but newer network engines that run a Linux operating system do not support some event message routing devices. See the Related Documentation table and the Engine Device Object section for information.

Make sure that object alarm extensions are configured for each object in the Engine that you want to detect alarm conditions. See the Alarm Extensions section for information.

Define an email destination for John Smith’s (Building Operations Engineer) email address. See Event Message Routing, Filtering, and Destinations, Email, and Configuring Destination Delivery Agents (DDAs).

Define a pager destination for John’s manager’s (Building Operations Manager) pager. See Event Message Routing, Filtering, and Destinations, Pager, and Configuring Destination Delivery Agents (DDAs). Make sure you have defined the pager filters correctly.

Once the Engine detects an alarm condition and generates an event message, the Email DDA routes all unfiltered event messages to John Smith’s email address. The Pager DDA only routes the event messages that pass the defined pager filters to John’s manager’s pager.