Troubleshooting - Metasys - LIT-1201793 - Software Application - Metasys Site Management Portal - 12.0.50

Metasys Site Management Portal Help

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Metasys Site Management Portal
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Table 1. Troubleshooting
Problem Solution

When you attempt to execute any N2 Passthru tool (for example, HVAC PRO) from the ADS, ADX, or NAE user interface, the following error appears:

The Supervisory Controller does not contain any supported devices

Date or time may be incorrect. Verify that all dates and times are correct. For more information, refer to Appendix: Time Zone, Date, and Time Management in the ADS/ADX Commissioning Guide (LIT-1201645) .


Item name may be too long. Refer to the HVAC PRO Name Restrictions in Passthru Mode section in the SCT Help (LIT-12011964).

After I manually change the date on a network engine, then adjust the date using a manual command, the new date that appears in the SMP UI is one day ahead of the commanded date.

This behavior occurs only for these time zones:

(UTC+400) - Abu Dhabi, Muscat

(UTC+5:54) - Kathmandu

(UTC+1200) - Fiji

To set the date correctly, log on the network engine with the NCT and change the date. Refer to the NxE Information and Configuration Tool Technical Bulletin (LIT-1201990).

The Event Viewer is repeatedly showing the following alarm message:

<service name> Queue System Monitor Alarm.

<service name> queue's messages are not getting processed.

where <service name>is the name of the Metasys-related service.

These types of warnings are from Metasys-related services that have not fully started on the server. They are normal messages that occur when the server is first started, then stop occurring once all Metasys-related services have fully started. This reflects normal operation. An example for message queue monitoring service that is starting up would be as follows:

NewActivityData Queue System Monitor Alarm.

NewActivityData queue's messages are not getting processed.

A network engine does not come back online to the Site Director after you download its archive with SCT.

Communication between the Site Director and the network engine may be problematic on some building networks. To resolve this issue, specify a domain name in the Completion Domain attribute under the Network tab of the engine (for example, The network engine then communicates with its Site Director using the domain name appended to the engine name, such as You may also need to restart the network engine for the change to be fully applied.

SCT does not log in to allow HVAC PRO to load despite already being logged in to the NAE.

SCT (offline) allows you to log in and run HVAC PRO, but you receive a ZSWHPRO crash when you try to do anything over Passthru.

The Site Director is offline. Log in and verify it is online.

When you attempt to open a graphic, the following message appears:

Metasys Graphic Viewer file is still being validated. Please wait a few seconds and click "Refresh All Tabs."

The graphic is still loading onto the screen. The graphic signature validation process typically takes a few more seconds than it takes the SMP UI to load the graphic, which results in this message that requests the user to wait a few seconds and refresh all tabs. To resolve, specify a value for the Delay start graphic load attribute under the Display Settings Tab of Metasys Preferences.

Login responds with:

Unable to Login. Unexpected Error.

A user might be denied access to the Metasys Server /SCT computer over the network. In Control Panel > Administrative Tools, check the Local Security Policy properties on the Metasys Server /SCT computer and make sure that the user’s name is not listed under the User Rights Assignment called Deny access to this computer from the network.


An Active Directory user is denied access to the SCT because their user name has not been added to the MSEA-SSO user group on the SCT computer. For details, refer to the Security Administrator System Technical Bulletin (LIT-1201528).


Verify the JRE proxy settings are disabled. To verify proxy settings are disabled:

  1. On the Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel.
  2. Select the Java icon. The Java Control Panel appears.
  3. Select the Proxies tab.
  4. Clear the Use browser settings check box.
  5. Click OK.


SCT must be completely uninstalled. You may also have to uninstall IIS 5.0 and the .NET Framework. Reinstalling SCT should fix this problem. If there are error messages from the Installer, there may also be an issue at runtime.

SCT installer responds with:

XPPKInitConsole,exe crash

The error typically occurs if IIS 5.0 is installed after the .NET Framework. Uninstall .NET, IIS, and SCT. Reinstall in the following order: IIS, .NET, SCT.

HVAC PRO gives the item reference of the NAE, but fails to get any controllers and causes ZSWHPRO.EXE to crash.

Only the second N2 Trunk is integrated. Integrate the first N2 Trunk, even if it has no controllers on it. You must integrate the first N2 Trunk if N2 Trunk 2 is being used in HVAC PRO, even if there are no devices on the first N2 trunk.

N2 applications respond with no information, or lock up.

Two N2 Passthru Applications may not run at the same time when used in Passthru mode. Close all of the N2 Passthru applications and restart. Run one N2 Passthru application at a time.

SCT upgrade tool fails with the following archive upgrade log error for a restored database:

In ConvertArchives: Error in reading archive data for fixbuild1, Empty Archive

Verify the name of the backup matches the name of the archive. To verify the backup and archive names match, log in to the Site Director. The name at the top of the tree is the archive name. Rename the SCT backup database to match the archive name, restore the database, and execute the archive upgrade again.

When you attempt to use one of the N2 Passthru tools, the following error message appears:

Supervisory Device Offline

M-Tools may have been installed while running the N2 Passthru. Shut down all active N2 Tools and SCT. Reinstall SCT.

A DX9100 device may remain offline after exiting the GX9100 Commissioning tool. This occurs when the tool is run in passthru mode from a Metasys Server . In the NAE, the DX9100 N2 Device tab shows:

Offline = True and Enabled = True

The GX9100 device is disabled at the GX9100. To enable the GX9100 device, you must first command the DX9100 N2 Device to Disable, then command the DX9100 device to Enable.

The N2DeviceLoader/LoaderUI (LoaderUIG3.exe) crashes when you try to connect to the site.

The error typically occurs when you have a child NAE listed above the Site Director. When the child NAE appears offline (with a red or blue X), the N2DeviceLoader/LoaderUI crashes.

Right-click the offline NAE and choose Remove from Site.

The SCT installed without error, but the SCT UI window freezes or stalls while Java software is loading.

A connection manager may be installed on the computer. If present, uninstall the connection manager.

As a reference, refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article KB910435 (

SCT responds with:

You do not have permission to use the System Configuration Tool

This error occurs when you attempt to log in to the SCT and you do not have proper permissions assigned. If you are an Active Directory user, this occurs when attempting to start the SCT.

Verify that System Configuration Tool is an assigned privilege for the user in the System Access Permissions of the Security Administrator System.

The SCT download freezes with the load status of establishing communications. No error message appears.

If this problem occurs while performing downloads in the SCT, wait a few minutes to allow the download to complete. Then, refresh the SCT display. The updated status message appears when the download completes.

  • The amount of time it takes to download depends on the size of the database, but is usually a few minutes.
  • In addition, you can determine that the database downloaded properly by waiting for the device to come online after the download completes.

When downloading a device or server, the following message appears:

Communication Lost after Reset Communication error (521)

This error may occur due to problems with network connectivity, or the unavailability of the target devices.

Check the following:

  • The device (Metasys Server , NxE) to which you are downloading is powered, operational, and has network connectivity to the computer running SCT.
  • In an ADX split configuration, both the ADX web/application server and the ADX database server are powered and operational, and the ADX web/application server has network connectivity to the computer running SCT and to the ADX database server.

You are uncertain whether to control your building with standard objects or the LCT.

In general, if you can perform tasks with standard objects, do so. Standard objects are less memory intensive and thus have a smaller impact on system performance than complex LCT logic.

In SCT, when trying to save a standard user graphic from a restored database, the following error appears:

Failed to communicate to the server or device.

This problem occurs when the user graphic size is over 4 MB, which is the default maximum allowed size for an IIS message as defined by Microsoft Corporation.

The workaround is to increase the default size using the <httpRuntime> element in the system.web section of the web.config file. Change the values of the maxRequestLength and executionTimeout attributes.

Note: maxRequestLength is defined as the number of KB allowed, so that the default is 4,096 KB (4 MB); executionTimeout is the number of seconds until the request is killed.

For example, a maxRequestLength of 40 MB and executionTimeout of 10 minutes appears as follows:

<!-- The following settings are used by the GenericItem Capability. --> 
<add key="GenericItemDb.AssemblyName" value="C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MetasysIII\Tool \bin\Subsystems.Database.dll"/> 
<add key="GenericItemDb.ClassName" value="JohnsonControls.MetasysIII.Database. GenericItemDbFactory"/> 
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="600" maxRequestLength="40960"/>  

On your Windows operating system, applications such as IIS Manager and Windows Event Viewer do not run with Administrative privileges even though you are logged in to the computer as an Administrator.

Manually run the application as an Administrator:

Right-click the application and select Properties > Run As Administrator.

On your Windows operating system, when using Windows Authentication to access a SQL database with SQL Server Express Management Studio (or other user-driven application), you do not obtain sysadmin permissions in the SQL database even though you are logged in to the computer as Built-in/Administrators and have sysadmin permissions in the SQL database.

Manually run the application as an Administrator:

Right-click the application and select Run As Administrator.

You cannot view log files on your Windows operating system.

Due to changes in Administrator viewing behavior, log files may not be visible. Manually run Windows Explorer as an Administrator:

Right-click the Windows Explorer icon and select Run As Administrator.

You cannot access protected folders (such as Program Data), even though you are logged on the computer's operating system as an Administrator.

Manually run Windows Explorer as an Administrator:

Right-click the Windows Explorer icon and select Run As Administrator.

You cannot find the Add/Remove programs option in Control Panel of your Windows operating system.

Add/Remove Programs is now called Programs and Features. In Control Panel, select Control Panel Home on the left pane. Then in the right pane, select Programs > Programs and Features.

You cannot locate where to change the folder settings, such as showing file extensions and showing system files, on your Windows operating system.

In Control Panel, select Appearance and Personalization > Folder Options.

Note: This task is done on an individual user basis.

Your Windows operating system does not prompt for consent or for your credentials when you are making a software or configuration change.

This situation happens when you are logged in as the built-in Administrator account. The built-in Administrator account provides a full administrator access token, unlike other administrative users who are logged in with only standard access tokens that require elevation to perform administrative tasks. The built-in Administrator account in your operating system is disabled.

One of the following errors appears after attempting a global modification:

Object does not exist.

One or more attribute modifications failed.

When running Metasys Release 3.0 or later, you cannot use the global modify feature on devices at Release 2.2 or earlier.

For information on globally modifying items, see Performing a Global Modify in the Modify Dialog section.

An object appears with no name in the navigation tree or the Focus/Configuration tab.

This problem occurs when an object is created through third-party BACnet network and neither the Object Name (BACnet property) nor the User Name (Johnson Controls proprietary property) is initialized. As a result, the object appears with no name in the navigation tree (that is, only the icon appears) or the Focus/Configuration tab. The object functions properly. An SCT download works and the Site Management Portal UI displays the information as it was before the upload.

The UI forces you to enter a user name when you attempt to edit any other fields of the object.

This problem does not occur if you specify an Object Name either during the BACnet create or through a BACnet write after object creation.

If you use the Release All command from the Site Management Portal UI to release overrides of the FEC Outputs, the priority array that resides in the FEC controller clears. The FEC controller outputs go to the Relinquish Default values and are not commanded with the value determined by the controller application because the module outputs send on a COV basis.

This is a misuse of the Release All command. The Release All command works exactly as designed. The proper command to use is the Override Release command.

To recover the FEC controller from a Release All Command, issue the command value determined by the application instead of the relinquish default.

To release an override, use the Override Release command. For other types of releases, make sure you use the release that corresponds to the command to release.

The Metasys system cannot discover BACnet Trend Logs on a Siemens® device.

You cannot discover BACnet Trend Logs on a SIEMENS device. Add the Trend Log manually to show the trend log attributes in the views and log data graph properly. The SIEMENS third-party Trend Log object does not support the Logging Type attribute, which is used in the BACnet discovery process.

When adding a LonWorks point manually, the Target Reference appears blank.

This is normal functionality. Manually type the path for the Target Reference (path into the controller for the data being mapped by the object) in the text box on the Select Data Source screen.

You cannot command analog objects to values outside of the minimum and maximum present value allowable range. If you have objects with values outside of the allowable range and upgrade to the next software release, the objects may now appear unreliable.

This affects programmed features such as the LCT, Scheduling, and the MCO, as well as manual commands.

Change the minimum and maximum range to include the values used to ensure your features work properly.

An operator command to an MCO in an NAE35/45 or NCE25 fails the first time, but succeeds the second time it is commanded. This issue does not occur for MCO objects in the NAE55.

The enabled firewall on the NAE35/45 or NCE25 engine is interfering with command execution. As a workaround, re-issue the same command to the MCO.

The Metasys system cannot command or write LonWorks, N1, N2, XL5000, and VND output points at priority 6 (Minimum On Off).

Priority 6 (Minimum On Off) is reserved by the BACnet protocol for minimum on/off control. You may need to edit interlocks, multiple command objects, schedules, and LCT objects in existing databases using this priority after converting them.

When a point goes into alarm, Metasys software receives the alarm message and a multitude of normal messages. You must acknowledge all normal messages to get to the alarm message. You are not using BACnet intrinsic alarming.

If you experience this issue:

  1. In the Notification Class object, on the Focus\Configuration tab, click Edit.
  2. Find the Ack Required attribute.
  3. Deselect To Normal.
  4. Click Save.

Computer Name (Host Name) restrictions are unclear to you.

Starting at Release 2.1.10, the NAE Update Tool places restrictions on the Host Name (Computer Name) values you can use for NAE35, NAE45, and NCE25 models. Name values must start with a letter, end with either a letter or a number, and may contain dashes only in the interior of the name. The Host Name must contain a letter other than or in addition to the letter A. For example, A522446 is not valid, but either A522446B or AB52446 are valid. Failure to follow the Host Name restrictions results in the Computer Name value changing when an NAE35, NAE45, or NCE25 is updated. Refer to the NAE Update Tool Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011524) for more information on Host Name restrictions.

Changes made at an NxE do not appear in the UI of the Site Director.

For releases prior to Release 5.0, use the Update All Items Cache command to update the All Items cache on the Site Director.

See the Update All Items Cache command and All Items Update in Progress attribute descriptions in the Site Object section for details.

Note: The All Items cache automatically updates for engines at Release 5.0 or later.

You cannot edit an LCT process on an NxE at version 2.1 or 2.2 from ADSs/ADXs at Release 3.0 or later.

The following error message appears when attempting to edit LCT processes or Program (Control System) objects from earlier versions:

This logic diagram is read-only for the current version of Metasys. To edit the diagram you must directly log in to the device on which it is located.

A similar error message appears if you try to edit a graphic object at Release 2.2 or earlier from a Site Director at Release 3.0 or later.

You cannot have mixed versions to edit the LCT in the Engine from the Metasys Server, if the Metasys Server is at Release 3.0 or later. You cannot have devices at different releases because the Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) rendering program was changed after Release 2.2.

This change in functionality is per design. As the system progressed, we were unable to support newer features while maintaining the ability to edit the processes created in the earlier versions. To edit LCT processes or Program (Control System) objects in a mixed system, you need to log in to the Engine directly.

Some graphics appear jumbled when viewed in a single pane. If you minimize the window and maximize it again, the problem resolves for a few moments and then recurs.

This issue may be due to the following circumstances:

  • older Java software components are present on the computer
  • the graphics card on your computer is not configured properly

To resolve this issue, remove any unused Java software on your computer using Add/Remove Programs. Check the product documentation from the graphic card manufacturer to ensure the card is configured properly.

You are using Metasys software with P2000 software and alarm behavior is unexpected.

Discarding or acknowledging an alarm at the Metasys Server acknowledges the alarm, but the alarm reappears (with the same date/time stamp) in the Alarms window and Event Viewer of the Metasys Server , but not the P2000 Event Viewer.

This is expected behavior at this time and occurs because the Metasys Server cannot confirm activity in the P2000 system.

A graphic takes an unusually long time to appear in the UI.

To resolve this issue, try resizing the UI window. The graphic should appear at the usual speed.

Note: Keep in mind that graphic complexity, network traffic, and other factors can impact the speed at which graphics display. If a graphic displays consistently slow, one of the factors may be the cause.

Nodes in the navigation tree are slow to open for Release 5.0 or later.

This behavior may occur if the NavTreeCache database requires maintenance. A stored procedure in the NavTreeCache database called spu_DoDBMaintenance performs the required maintenance. You can run this stored procedure manually or on a schedule using either the SQL Server Agent or Windows OS Task Scheduler. Refer to for details on stored procedures and how to run them.

When entering the IP address in the Internet Explorer address bar to launch Metasys software, Multiple UI windows open.

If you are using a private network, we recommend you turn off the Internet Explorer SmartScreen Filter feature.

Failure to do so does not prevent Metasys software from running but may launch multiple UI windows unnecessarily.

Email is no longer being sent after upgrading from Release 4.0 to Release 5.0.

Due to changes made at Release 5.0, you may need to rebuild the Email DDA.

You are editing pager destinations and you lose some of the definitions.

This occurs when the web service times out.

You can work around this by extending the web service timeout. To do this:

  1. Navigate to c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MetasysIII\WS
  2. Open the web.config file in a text editor.
  3. Go to the section that ends with </system.web>.
  4. Insert a blank line above that entry.
  5. In the inserted line, enter: <httpRuntime executionTimeout="600"/>.
  6. Save the web.config file. This changes the default timeout of 110 seconds to 10 minutes, allowing sufficient time for the save to occur.
Note: Depending on your operating system and configuration, this file may be listed as an XML configuration file named web.

After a VND Integration is defined and a resource file extension is added, the file associated with the resource is not downloaded into the NAE45 (\N40 folder) and therefore cannot be found or used for point auto-discovery.

This problem occurs when the User Access Control (UAC) default setting is set higher than Never Notify. Lower the UAC to Never Notify and the resource file can then be downloaded into the NAE.

Note: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 8, and server-class Windows operating systems may require changing the User Account Control (UAC) settings to allow resource files (LON and Vendor Integrations) to be added to the NxE/LCS engines. The Metasys Site Portal does not inform the user when a resource file fails to download. For details, refer to the Disabling User Access Control section of the Metasys Server Installation and Upgrade Instructions (LIT-12012162) .

After adding a field device using the Insert Field Device Wizard and using Auto Discovery, the navigation tree does not automatically update for defined points (+ sign appears next to device in tree).

If the navigation tree does not automatically update for defined points after adding a field device using Auto Discovery (+ sign appears next to device in tree), select Refresh All Tabs on the Action menu to update.

The following message appears in the Alarms window or in the Event Viewer:

Warning - MSMQ not processing messages from Private$Message_trendbacklog. Message Count: 1.

This alarm indicates that the Metasys Server server could not process at least one message in the Metasys_trendbacklog queue. The NAE might be receiving trend data from a point with an unsupported data type. For further assistance, contact the Field Support Center (FSC).

The following message appears in the Network window when you try to change the computer and domain name of an unpaired engine:

Unable to write attributes or refresh keys with Site Director, so change cannot be made.

The update is not possible because the engine is not actively paired. Pair the engine, then try to change the name.

On Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 R2, or Windows Server 2012, the Alarms window does not appear.

Always view the SMP UI on the desktop. The Alarms window does not appear on the Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012 R2, or Windows Server 2012 Start screen.

On Windows 10, Windows 8.1, and Windows 8, with Internet Explorer 10, when you click Print Preview for a Graphics+ object, the following ActiveX web browser message appears:

An ActiveX control on this page is not safe. Your current security settings prohibit running unsafe controls on this page. As a result, this page might not display as intended.

The Print Preview window does not open.

To resolve this issue, in Internet Explorer go to Tools > Internet Options > Security tab and complete the following tasks:
  • add the Metasys site as a Trusted site. Ensure you clear the check box next to Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone.
  • change the security level to Medium-low.

Next, go to the Advanced tab and set the ActiveX settings from Disable to Prompt.

The following message appears in the Alarms window or in the Event Viewer:

COV registration has failed due to table full error. Restart {NAE} to recover.


Symptoms of a full table include:
  • COV updates made to the UI fail.
  • Logic configured online after startup appears unreliable.
  • MS/TP field points mapped online after startup are not appearing online.

This problem occurs when the signup database reaches the maximum size.

Restart the specified NAE as soon as possible.

The following message appears in the Alarms window or in the Event Viewer:

COV registration failure may occur soon due to table full error. Restart {NAE} to prevent.

This problem occurs when the signup database is nearing the maximum size. Restart the specified NAE as soon as practical, but it must be restarted before the Site Director resets for any reason.

One of the following messages appears in the Alarms window or in the Event Viewer:

Server Certificate will expire <datetime>. Restart device to automatically replace.

Server Certificate has expired <datetime>. Restart device to automatically replace.

Server Certificate is not valid until <datetime>. Restart device to automatically replace.

The self-signed certificate assigned to the network engine that is identified in the message is about to expire, has expired, or is not in effect. For any of these situations, issue a Restart command to the network engine to issue a new, self-signed certificate.

Note: The Certificate Renewal Period attribute in the Site object controls when these reminders are issued. Once activated, the reminder message occurs once per day until you issue the new certificate.

One of the following messages appears in the Alarms window or in the Event Viewer:

Server Certificate will expire <datetime>. Install new certificate using SCT.

Server Certificate has expired <datetime>. Install new certificate using SCT.

Server Certificate is not valid until <datetime>. Install new certificate using SCT.

The trusted certificate assigned to the network engine that is identified in the message is about to expire, has expired, or is not in effect. For any of these situations, obtain a new certificate from our certificate authority and install it with SCT.

Note: The Certificate Renewal Period attribute in the Site object controls when these reminders are issued. Once activated, the reminder message occurs once per day until you issue the new certificate.
SMP cannot verify a trusted wildcard certificate. Certificates that include a wildcard character (*) in the domain name field are not supported.