Changing the Report Output Directory Location - Metasys - LIT-1201793 - Software Application - Metasys Site Management Portal - 12.0.50

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About this task

The default directory for the Scheduled Report output on the Metasys Server Site Director is C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\File Transfer\Report Definitions.

Use this procedure if you want to change the location of the report output directory.

To change the Report Output directory location:


  1. From the Control Panel of the Metasys Server Site Director computer, select Administrative Tools > Services. The Services window appears.
  2. Right-click the Metasys III Action Queue service and select Stop.
  3. Right-click the Metasys III Device Manager service and select Stop.
  4. Right-click the Metasys III Action Queue service and select Properties. The Metasys III Action Queue Properties dialog box appears.
    Figure 1. Metasys III Action Queue Properties Dialog Box

  5. Note the directory in the Path to executable text box (Figure 1), and use Windows Explorer to navigate to that directory.
  6. Open the ActionQueue.exe.config file using a standard text editor, such as Notepad.
  7. Locate the following line of text (Figure 2):
    <add key=“FileTransfer.AliasFilePath” value=“C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\FileTransfer\”/>
    Figure 2. ActionQueue.exe.config File Text

  8. Change the contents of the value section to the preferred location of the report output. For example, to send report output to the C:\Metasys System directory, the line of text appears as follows:
    <add key=“FileTransfer.AliasFilePath” value=“C:\Metasys System\”/>
  9. Save and close the ActionQueue.exe.config file.
  10. Cut the Report Definitions subdirectory and its contents from C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\File Transfer\Report Definitions.
  11. Paste the files to the location defined in step 8 (for example, C:\Metasys System\Report Definitions).
  12. Return to the Services window. (See 1 for the location.)
  13. Right-click the Metasys III Device Manager service and select Start.
  14. Right-click the Metasys III Action Queue service and select Start.