Engine Commands - Metasys - LIT-1201793 - Software Application - Metasys Site Management Portal - 12.0.50

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The following table lists the commands supported by the Engine Device Object.

Table 1. Engine Device Object Commands

Command Name



Activate Changes


Activates the pending attribute changes to network ports of the network engine. The command activates all pending changes to all network ports on the engine; individual ports cannot be activated separately. Also, this command is offered only when the staging area in the engine has files that are waiting for activation, which is indicated when the Changes Pending attribute of one or more integration objects is set to True. After you issue this command, the Changes Pending attributes of the integration objects in the engine are set to False. Command options: Update Changes Pending Attributes Except Network Number and Update All Changes Pending Attributes and Restart Device.

Note: This command is only available for network engines at Release 11.0 or later.

Apply Staged Files


Activates all staged files in the engine. The command is offered only when the staging area has files for the selected engine. If code is in staging, the engine switches over to the re-provisioned, inactive partition. After activation, the staging area is empty.

Note: This command is only available for network engines at Release 10.1 or later.



Archives the object instances to the nonvolatile memory.

Cancel Staged Files


Flushes all staged files in the engine. The command is offered only when the selected engine has staged files. After you issue this command to cancel the staged files, the Apply Staged Files command is no longer available until after you issue another staged download from SCT.

Note: This command is only available for network engines at Release 10.1 or later.

Change Audit Enabled Class Level


Changes the Audit Enabled Class Level attribute. Integer range is 1-4.

Rediscover Text Strings


Requests the system to rediscover text strings for some binary and multistate BACnet integrated objects. In some cases, the Site Director can lose text strings when online configuration changes are made. When this occurs, the words Text not found appear in the Site Management Portal, Ready Access Portal, and Advanced Reporting. The following configuration changes (and other variations) can cause this:

  • If a child NxE contains user defined enumerations, and then its site director is re-imaged or downloaded without previously uploading.
  • If an NxE contains user defined enumerations, and then its Local Site Director is changed to any device other than itself.

To correct from these situations, issue the Rediscover Text Strings command to the NxE containing the objects that are displaying the errors.

Note: After you send this command to a site director, also send it to all child devices with custom text strings that include a BACnet Integration.

Reset Device


Initiates an orderly reset that saves recent changes to the engine archive database to Flash memory and restarts the engine operating system. When the engine requires a reset, the title bar of the object in the Display panel displays Reset Needed.

Route Samples


Forwards all trend samples from the engine to the ADS Repository, which is most often the Site Director. Issue this command before you upgrade an engine to ensure that the Site Director has all possible samples. Wait about 5 minutes for all samples to be forwarded.

Update Flash Usage


Commands the engine to recalculate the Flash Usage value recorded under the Diagnostic tab of the network engine. This value is an estimated percent of flash memory currently in use.