N2 Manager Datalink (N2 Trunk) Attributes - Metasys - LIT-1201793 - Software Application - Metasys Site Management Portal - 12.0.50

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This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options tab appear on point objects). The writable attributes in the N2 Manager Datalink object are writable only if the UDP Port attribute is not zero. If the UDP Port attribute is zero and you attempt to write these attributes, an error message appears.

Table 1. N2 Manager Datalink Object Attributes - Diagnostic Tab

Attribute Name



Buffer Overflow

  Indicates the number of input buffer overflows.
Checksum Errors

0 to 4,294,967,295

Indicates the number of checksum errors.

Command Count

  Indicates the number of N2 user or process commands.


0 to 65,535

Specifies the number of N2 point objects defined for this trunk.


0 to 4,294,967,295

Indicates the number of Changes of Value/Changes-of-State since the last reset.

Data CRC Errors

  Indicates the number of System 9100 checksum errors.

Framing Errors

  Indicates the number of UART framing errors.

Hardware Overflows

  Indicates the number of UART hardware overruns.

HP Point Scan Time

0 to 65,535


Indicates the calculated number of seconds the N2 Managertakes to scan high priority N2 point objects, such as those used in alarming and interlocks.

LP Point Scan Time

0 to 65,535


Indicates the calculated number of seconds the N2 Managertakes to scan low priority N2 point objects (all N2 point objects that do not fall in the high priority category).

Message Receives

0 to 4,294,967,295

Indicates the number of messages received from the N2 controllers.

Message Transmits

0 to 4,294,967,295

Indicates the number of message transmissions to the N2 controllers.

NAK Errors

0 to 4,294,967,295

Indicates the number of negative acknowledge errors. A NAK is returned by an N2 device to indicate that it received and decoded a command correctly, but the command did not make sense or could not be carried out. An example of a NAK is an attempt to read an Analog Input beyond the range of the device.

Offline Occurrences

0 to 4,294,967,295

Indicates the number of offline occurrences by the N2 controllers.

Offline Polls

0 to 4,294,967,295

Indicates the number of offline polls to the N2 devices.

Online Polls

0 to 4,294,967,295

Indicates the number of online polls to the N2 devices.

Parity Errors


Indicates the number of messages that contain invalid hexadecimal characters (hexadecimal characters are 1-9 and A-F).

Poll Scan Times

0 to 65,535 Seconds

Indicates the calculated number of seconds the N2 Managertakes to poll all defined N2 devices.

Reset Date

  Indicates the date of the Clear Statistics command.

Reset Time

  Indicates the time of the Clear Statistics command.

Retry Attempts

0 to 4,294,967,295

Indicates the number of message retry attempts.

Transmits Per Minute


Indicates the calculated number of message transmissions per minute.

VMA BAC Errors

0 to 4,294,967,295

Indicates the number of VMA BACnet errors

VMA COV Errors

0 to 4,294,967,295

Indicates the number of VMA Change-of-Value errors.

VMA FMT Errors

0 to 4,294,967,295

Indicates the number of VMA Format errors.