This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options tab appear on point objects).
Click the attribute name in the table for a description of the attribute.
Attribute Name |
Notes |
BACnet Notes |
Initial Value |
Values/Options/Range |
Description |
Current Command Priority |
B |
1 - 16 |
Indicates the command priority currently assigned to the object. A blank in this field indicates the object is not under any command. |
Device Type |
C,W |
W |
Null |
Limit: 20 characters |
Contains a description of the physical device connected to the object. |
Intrinsic Alarming Defined |
C |
Not Supported |
False |
False True |
Enables the BACnet Intrinsic Alarming feature in the object and the definition of related attributes. For detailed information, see BACnet Intrinsic Alarming. |
Number of States |
C,W |
W |
4 |
Minimum Value = 2 Maximum Value = 16 |
Defines the number of states Present Value can have. |
Out of Service |
C,W |
W |
False |
False True |
Used to decouple the object from the physical input that feeds its Present Value and Reliability. When out of service is True, the object does not read the Present Value and Reliability from the hardware. In addition, the Reliability attribute and the corresponding state of the Fault flag of the Status Flags attribute is decoupled from the input when Out of Service is True. While the Out of Service attribute is True, Present Value and Reliability may be changed to any value either as a means of simulating specific fixed conditions or for testing purposes. Other functions that depend on the state of the Present Value or Reliability attributes respond to changes made to these attributes while Out of Service is True, as if those changes had occurred in the input. |
Present Value |
D,N,R,W |
D,N,R,W |
States Text attribute identifies the value set for this attribute. |
Reflects the current value of the input as one of n states, where n is the number of states defined in the Number of States attribute. When Out of Service is True, Present Value is writable. This attribute is required to be writable if Out of Service is True. |
Reliability |
W |
W |
No Fault Detected (Reliable), No Sensor, Over Range, Under Range, Open Loop, Shorted Loop, Multi State Fault, Unreliable Other Uses Reliability (Set 503). |
Indicates if the Present Value is unreliable and why. When Out of Service is True, the Reliability may be written directly. |
State Text |
Represents descriptions of all possible states of Present Value. The number of descriptions matches the number of states defined in Number of States. Present Value (an integer) serves as an index into this attribute. |
States Text |
C,W |
C |
Off Low Med Hi |
Indicates the displayed strings for the Present Value. |
States Text Error Status |
OK |
Out of Memory: Indicates that memory overrun occurred while the system was adding custom enumeration for state text from the field device to the user dictionary. OK: the addition of custom enumeration for state text from the field device to the user dictionary is successful, and state text from the device can be used. |
Specifies the status of States Text on the supervisory device. This attribute cannot be archived or configured. |
Status Flags |
In Alarm, Fault, Overridden, Out of Service Uses BAC Status Flags (Set 9). |
Contains four true or false flags that indicate the general health of the object. Three of the four flags are associated with the values of other attributes within the same object. By reading these attributes, you get a clearer picture of the object status. The four flags are: In Alarm - In Alarm flag is False (0) if the Event State attribute value is Normal; otherwise the In Alarm flag is True (1). Fault - Fault flag is True (1) if the Reliability attribute is not reliable; otherwise the Fault flag is False (0). Overridden - Overridden flag is Logical 1 if the Present Value is decoupled from the hardware output because operator intervention provided a different value. Out of Service - Out of Service flag is True if the Out of Service attribute value is True; otherwise the Out of Service flag is False. |
Use Remote Alarming |
B,C,W |
False |
When the attribute Intrinsic Alarming Defined is set to True, determines where alarms for the object originate. If the remote integrated object contains attributes for originating alarms, then Use Remote Alarming defaults to True, causing the local mapper object to accept alarms from the remote integrated object that are routed to the NxE. If the remote integrated object does not contain attributes for originating alarms, then Use Remote Alarming defaults to False causing the local mapper object to originate alarms. When Use Remote Alarming is false, any alarms from the remote integrated object are ignored at the NxE. If the value of Use Remote Alarming is changed, a restart of the NxE may be required to assure correct operation. This attribute applies only to BACnet integrations. |