Life Safety Zone Attributes - Metasys - LIT-1201793 - Software Application - Metasys Site Management Portal - 12.0.50

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This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options tab appear on point objects).

Note: In the BACnet Notes column, letters indicate the following: B - Exposed as Standard BACnet Property, C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, N - Value Not Required, O - BACnet Optional, Q - BACnet Required, R - Affected by Object Reliability, W - Writable
Table 1. Life Safety Zone Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab

Attribute Name

BACnet Notes



Accepted Modes


Uses BAC LifSfty Mode (BACnet Lifesafety Mode) (Set 189).

Specifies all the values the Life Safety Mode attribute accepts when written.

Event State


Uses BAC Event State (Set 5).

Indicates if an active event state is associated with the object. If the object supports intrinsic reporting, this attribute indicates the event state of the object. If not, the attribute is Normal.

Life Safety Mode


Uses BAC LifSfty Mode (BACnet Lifesafety Mode) (Set 189).

Specifies the operating mode of the Life Safety Point object. The Life Safety Point object generates Change-of-Life-Safety event notifications for any mode transition if the flags in the Event Enable attribute are set.

Maintenance Required


Uses BAC LifSfty Maint (BACnet Lifesafety Maintained) (Set 187).

Indicates that maintenance is required for the life safety point. This may indicate periodic maintenance or parameter-determined maintenance, such as a dirtiness value for an associated detector.

Operation Expected


Uses BAC LifSfty Oper (Set 190).

Specifies the next operation expected by this object to handle a specific life safety situation.

Out of Service



Indicates (when True) that the Present Value and Reliability attributes are decoupled from the physical input to the object and their values may be changed for simulation or testing purposes. Functions that depend on the values of the Present Value or Reliability attributes continue to respond to changes while Out of Service is True, as if those changes had come from the physical input.

Additionally, the Out of Service state of the Status Flags attribute is set to True and the Fault state is decoupled from the physical input when Out of Service is True.

Present Value


Uses BAC LifSfty State (BACnet Lifesafety State) (Set 186).



Uses Reliability (Set 503)



Uses BAC LifSfty SilState (BACnet Life Safety Silent State) (Set 188).

Indicates whether the most recently occurring transition for this object produced an audible or visual indication that

has been silenced by the recipient of a Life Safety Operation service request or a local process.

Tracking Values


Uses BAC LifSfty State (BACnet Lifesafety State) (Set 186).

Reflects the non-latched state of the Life Safety Zone object. This attribute continuously tracks changes in the latched

state of the object.

Table 2. Life Safety Zone Object Attributes - Members Tab

Attribute Name

Data Type

BACnet Notes


Member Of

List of


Indicates the Life Safety Zone objects of which this Life Safety Point is considered to be a zone member. Each object in the Member Of list is a Life Safety Zone object.

Zone Members

List of


Indicates which Life Safety Point and Life Safety Zone objects are members of the zone represented by this object.