Wireless Receiver Attributes - Metasys - LIT-1201793 - Software Application - Metasys Site Management Portal - 12.0.50

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This object contains attributes common to many Metasys system objects. These common attributes are described in the Common Object Attributes section. This section includes attributes of the Focus/Configuration tab, the Diagnostics tab (if applicable), and any other tab specific only to this object. See the Object and Feature Tabs section for information on the attributes that appear on the other tabs of this object (for example, the Hardware and Options tab appear on point objects).

Note: In the Notes column, letters indicate the following: C - Configurable, D - Default Attribute for Display, N - Value Not Required, R - Affected by Extension’s Reliability, W - Writable.
Table 1. Wireless Receiver Object Attributes - Focus/Configuration Tab

Attribute Name


Initial Value


Attribute Description

Disable Automatic Alarming





Specifies whether automatic online/offline device event reporting is disabled (True) or enabled (False). This attribute only applies to the device and not to the device’s mapped objects. Devices with the Disable Automatic Alarming attribute set to True suppress the alarm event but still indicate they are offline in the navigation tree with a red X. Alarm extensions are not affected by this attribute.




Indicates the graphic associated with the object.

Graphic Alias



Maximum 256 characters

Indicates a portion of the graphic’s item reference, up to and including the name of the folder containing this object or the controller containing this point.

Host Name


Indicates the host name of the wireless receiver. When a host name is given, the system attempts to resolve the Host Name and IP Address using DNS/DHCP (assuming that the installer assigned a host name to the wireless receiver and enabled DHCP). If the device can be located using the ping hostname command, the system can resolve the host name to an IP address. After resolving the host name, the system updates the IP address.

IP Address



Indicates the IP Address of the wireless receiver.

Low Battery


Indicates if any wireless sensors defined as children of the Wireless Receiver object have a low battery. The Low Battery status is an advanced warning that can occur many days before a wireless sensor ceases to function. You can configure an alarm for this attribute to allow the building operator time to locate the sensor and change the battery.

Max Data Life



Range = 120–480 seconds

Indicates the maximum amount of time in seconds that the wireless receiver module waits for a transmission from a wireless sensor before generating a report that tells the NAE that the Wireless Sensor Object is unreliable due to Data Life Timeout.

Network Address



Range = 1–50

Indicates the network address of the wireless receiver. You can define only up to 50 wireless receivers per Wireless Receiver Supervisor Object.

Present Value


Uses Controller Status (Set 43).

Indicates the online/offline state of the wireless receiver.

Table 2. Wireless Receiver Object Attributes - Diagnostic Tab

Attribute Name

Notes 1

Initial Value


Attribute Description

Date of Manufacture



Indicates the date the wireless receiver was manufactured.

Firmware Version


Indicates the firmware version of the wireless receiver.

Hardware Version


Indicates the hardware version of the wireless receiver.

1 C - Configurable, W - Writable