Trend Extension Table View - Metasys - LIT-1201793 - Software Application - Metasys Site Management Portal - 12.0.50

Metasys Site Management Portal Help

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The Table view of the Trend extension allows you to view the trend’s data samples in a table format. You can copy the trend data to the clipboard for pasting into Microsoft Excel or other applications.

Table 1. Table View





When initially displayed, the Trend Extension view shows the data samples currently in the local trend buffer. Click Update button to retrieve and display new data samples (for example, any trend buffer data later than the currently displayed samples). The Update button adds the new samples to the display without removing the old samples.

Note: Gaps may appear in the data if the trend buffer has rolled over since the last update. If you wish to clear the Trend Extension view and re-display only those samples currently in the trend buffer, use the Refresh Current tab menu option (right-click or Action menu).

Copy to Clipboard

Allows you to copy selected trend data to the system clipboard for pasting into Microsoft Excel or other applications.

You can also use Ctrl + C to copy data.