Out-of-Place Upgrade Considerations - Metasys - LIT-12012162 - MS-ADS05U-0 MS-ADX10U-0 MS-ADX10SQL-0 MS-ADX25U-0 MS-ADX25SQL-0 MS-ADX50U-0 MS-ADX50SQL-0 MS-ADX50SQL2-0 MS-ADX100U-0 MS-ADX100SQL2-0 - Server - Metasys Server - 13.0

Metasys Server Installation and Upgrade Instructions

Building Automation Systems > Application Servers > Metasys Server
Document type
Installation Guide
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Before starting the out-of-place upgrade process, review the following table.

Table 1. Upgrade Considerations (Out-of-Place)

Data or Item



Current condition of all Metasys system software

Before you start the upgrade, make sure that all currently loaded Metasys software applications are functioning correctly. In particular, verify these applications: Metasys Database Manager, Metasys Export Utility, Metasys UI, and Metasys Advanced Reporting System (ARS).

Refer to the respective help systems and user guides.

Current version of Windows operating system.

Before you start the upgrade, make sure that the computer you want to use for the Metasys system has a supported operating system. The supported Windows operating system versions are shown to the right.

To verify the Windows operating system, open a command prompt window and run the command msinfo32. Verify the version is at this level or higher:

Windows 10: Version 1903 10.18362

Windows Server 2019: Version 10.0.118362

Windows Server 2016: Version 10.0.14393

Current Version of Microsoft® SQL Server® Software

If your Metasys system is currently using a version of SQL Server software that is no longer supported, you need to upgrade to a newer version. The Metasys Server installer halts if it detects the currently installed version, service pack, and cumulative update (CU) of SQL Server is not unsupported. For a list of supported SQL Server versions, SPs, and CUs, see Prerequisite Software Checklist for Installation and Upgrade.

Also, if you are performing an out-of-place upgrade in which the new computer name is different from the old computer name, you need to update the Site Director and device names in the Metasys system databases. If you are renaming databases older than SQL Server 2012, contact FSC for additional SQL scripts you need to run before you follow the steps in the Renaming Field Contents in Metasys Databases section of the Metasys Database Manager Help (LIT-12011202). You can also refer to FSC Solutions Database article 34534.

See Verifying your computer has a supported version of SQL Server software installed.

For more information on installing or upgrading SQL Server software, refer to the SQL Server Installation and Upgrade Instructions (LIT-12012240).

Overall Current Condition of HVAC Systems Monitored by Metasys

Run and print out an Alarm summary and Override summary to document any existing system issues.

Refer to Metasys Site Management Portal Help (LIT-1201793) .

Windows Event Viewer

Check the Windows Event Viewer for any system, ADS, and MDM error messages.

Consult the Windows operating system documentation.

Available Hard Disk Space

Verify available disk space on the computer or VM that you plan to use for the Metasys Server. If you need more disk space, try removing any miscellaneous and temporary files.

Consult the Windows operating system documentation.

Security Database

If the current Metasys system is at Release 5.2 or earlier, log in to SCT and open the Security Administrator tool (Tools > Administrator). In Security Administrator, record all roles, local user accounts, and Active Directory user accounts that you want to recreate in the upgraded SCT. All customized roles and user accounts are lost when you uninstall SCT 5.2 (or earlier) and install a newer version of SCT. For easy recall later, you may find it helpful to use the computer's print screen function to capture the user access permissions and other information for each role.

If the current Metasys system is at Release 6.0 or later, no separate security database backup is required because the security database is part of the archive database. Backing up the archive backs up security as well.

Refer to the Metasys Site Management Portal Help (LIT-1201793) for Release 5.2 or earlier.

Archive Database

Using the existing release of SCT, upload the archive database, making sure you select the Include Security option. Then, create a database backup of the archive. Also create an export of the database with SCT.

Backups are found in C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\DatabaseFiles

Upload, Backing Up an Archive Database, and Export Database sections of the SCT: System Configuration Tool Help (LIT-12011964) .

User Accounts and Passwords

Gather any applicable administrator user names and passwords that are required for installing or upgrading software. This includes the SQL System Administrator (sa) account and password. For customers who do not want to share these credentials, arrange for the SQL DBA to assist. Alternatively, the DBA can create a temporary SQL admin account with SA privileges just for the installation of the software, which can be removed later.

Consult the customer's IT administration.

User accounts with passwords that have not been recently modified or were created with an older release of Metasys that had different password requirements

To comply with the FIPS 140-2 standard, security changes to passwords were made at Metasys Release 11.0. At Release 8.1 and earlier, passwords were stored in a SHA1-hashed format, which is not FIPS compliant. If you are upgrading your Metasys system from Release 8.1 or earlier, passwords of user accounts are reset with a default password that you specify during the archive upgrade process.

To prevent user lock out for existing users, verify that the Never Expire property under Account Policy is not set. Additionally, set a new password for any user who has not changed their password in more than two years.

Security Administrator System Technical Bulletin (LIT-1201528)

Basic access user accounts

Basic access users and the BasicSysAgent user account are no longer available at Release 13.0. The BasicSysAgent account is removed and all users with Basic access are converted to Standard access users when you upgrade the archive to SCT Release 14.0.

Security Administrator System Technical Bulletin (LIT-1201528)

RADIUS user accounts

RADIUS user accounts are no longer supported at Release 13.0. During the database archive upgrade process with SCT 16.0, each RADIUS user account in the archive is converted to a Metasys local user with an undefined password and a locked account. To activate the converted RADIUS account, a Metasys user with Administrator rights sets an initial password and unlocks the account.

Security Administrator System Technical Bulletin (LIT-1201528)


Save your preference files to a safe location before the upgrade. You can move the files to the appropriate location on the new computer after the upgrade is complete.

The preferences you need to save might include special alarm sound files and color selections, startup views, and links to external applications.

Beginning with SCT 11.0, the upload and download processes include user preferences. However, SCT does not upload user preferences from a Site Director NAE.

Refer to the Configuring and Maintaining Preferences Appendix of the ADS/ADX Commissioning Guide (LIT-1201645) or the NAE Commissioning Guide (LIT-1201519) .

Object Lists

Object lists stored in network engines do not persist during an upgrade to Release 13.0. Object lists are saved as files by the Global Search feature when you save search results. Save your object list files to a safe location before the upgrade. You can move the files to the appropriate location on the new computer after the upgrade is complete.

Beginning with SCT 11.0, the upload and download processes include the object lists. However, SCT does not upload object lists from a Site Director NAE.

Refer to the Configuring and Maintaining Preferences Appendix of the ADS/ADX Commissioning Guide (LIT-1201645) or the NAE Commissioning Guide (LIT-1201519) .

Customized Config or Properties Files 1

If you have customized files for your system, be sure to note those customizations before you upgrade. After the upgrade, be sure to reapply your custom settings to the new computer.

Note: When upgrading, do not replace the new file with a copy of the old file. Other settings in the file may have been changed to improve system performance or support new features. Instead of replacing the new file with a copy of the old one, reapply the custom settings in the new file.

Documentation for each specific product covers customization procedures; or, you may be directed to update files by support personnel.

Historical Data

Install the Metasys Database Manager on the Metasys Server if it is not already present. Then, a few hours before you plan the system upgrade (so as to not lose too much data), use Metasys Database Manager to back up the historical databases, which include audit (JCIAuditTrails), alarm (JCIEvents), trend (JCIHistorianDB), annotation (JCIItemAnnotation), Metasys UI trends (JCIReportingDB), Metasys UI Spaces Authorization (SpacesAuthorization), and reporting system (MetasysReporting). We recommend that you select the reindexing option, even though it significantly increases the length of time for this process. There is no way to see how long the process takes. The process may take several hours. When you start the process, do not stop it.

Note: If the existing system runs post database backup, the historical data can contain gaps from when the backup is completed until when the databases are migrated to the new server and it is brought online.

Refer to the Backing Up a Database section of the Metasys Database Manager Help (LIT-12011202) .

Metasys UI Spaces Authorization (SpacesAuthorization)

If upgrading from Metasys Release 8.0 or 8.1, use SQL Server Management Studio to back up the SpacesAuthorization database because the backup operation for that database is not available with Metasys Database Manager Release 8.0 or 8.1.

Consult the SQL Server Management Studio documentation.

Coexisting versions of Metasys Server and SCT software.

The Metasys Server Release 13.0 may coexist on the same computer as SCT 16.0.

Refer to SCT Installation and Upgrade Instructions (LIT-12012067) .

License deactivation before out-of-place upgrade (Release 10.0 or later only)

If you are performing an out-of-place upgrade from Release 10.0 or later, be sure to deactivate the Metasys Server license with Software Manager before you decommission the old computer or VM. If you skip this step, the license is still active on the old server, which prevents Software Manager from transferring the license to the new server.

Refer to the License Deactivation Overview section in Software Manager Help (LIT-12012389) .

BACnet Encoding Type

The archive upgrade process changes the BACnet Encoding Type attribute under the Site object. When a site is upgraded to Release 13.0 with SCT 16.0, the BACnet Encoding Type for the Site object is automatically changed to ISO 10646 UTF-8 during the archive upgrade process. If you require UCS-2 as the BACnet Encoding Type, make sure you set this attribute back to UCS-2 after the archive upgrade is complete.

Refer to Site Object - Attributes section of Metasys SMP Help (LIT--1201793).

Device pairing

At Metasys Release 10.0, a more secure authentication process was implemented between updated NxEs and the Site Director that involves device pairing. This capability is controlled by a new attribute in the Site object called Advanced Security Enabled. If you upgrade to Release 13.0 from an older release, Advanced Security Enabled is set to True and NxEs become unpaired with their Site Directors.

Before you upgrade to Release 13.0 (or before you upgrade to a new build of Release 13.0), follow these steps:

  1. Pair all network engines to the Metasys Server.
  2. Using SCT, upload the Metasys Server with security to save the pairing information to the archive.
  3. Perform the Metasys Server upgrade, but do not update the engines.
  4. Using SCT, perform a Security Copy to the newly upgraded Metasys Server.
  5. Verify all engines are now paired.
1 The .config files contain custom Metasys network settings for features including serial printing Destination Delivery Agent (DDA) settings for an NAE, the Metasys Advanced Reporting System ADX, and the Action Queue in SCT. Examples of .config files you may have customized include web.config and ActionQueue.exe.config. Properties files also contain information related to name resolution and other system settings.