General Troubleshooting - Metasys - LIT-12012162 - MS-ADS05U-0 MS-ADX10U-0 MS-ADX10SQL-0 MS-ADX25U-0 MS-ADX25SQL-0 MS-ADX50U-0 MS-ADX50SQL-0 MS-ADX50SQL2-0 MS-ADX100U-0 MS-ADX100SQL2-0 - Server - Metasys Server - 13.0

Metasys Server Installation and Upgrade Instructions

Building Automation Systems > Application Servers > Metasys Server
Document type
Installation Guide
Document number
Revision date
Product status

See Table 1 for general troubleshooting information. If you are troubleshooting an ADX with Metasys Advanced Reporting System, see Metasys Advanced Reporting System Troubleshooting.

Table 1. Troubleshooting



You experience installation problems and would like to consult the error log.

The error messages are located in the following folder:


Metasys_Server_x.x_<date>.html, where x.x is replaced by the release version number.

During installation, you see the following error message:

Install complete, but exceptions during historian database upgrade.

Before you restart the computer, use the Metasys Post Install (MPI) Database tool to complete necessary data type conversion work. Refer to the Database Tools Commissioning Guide (LIT-12012254).

During ADS/ADX installation, a RabbitMQ command prompt window opens that contains the following error text:

Error: {:enabled_plugins_mismatch, 'c:\\Users\\ADMINI~1\\AppData\\Roaming\\RabbitMQ\\ENABLE~1', 'c:\\PROGRA~3\\JOHNSO~1\\RabbitMQ\\ENABLE~1'}.

The computer has two instances of the RabbitMQ database. To resolve, open a Command prompt as Administrator and run the Enable_RabbitMQ_Management.bat script that is located in the following location on the ADS/ADX server:

C:\ProgramData\Johnson Controls\MetasysIII\Diagnostics\Utilities

During an ADX upgrade, you see the following error:

ERROR - There was an error setting up the JCIHistorianDB Database for Advanced Reporting; Timeout expired.

The JCIHistorianDB upgrade script timed out during ADX installation. Ordinarily, this script completes within a few seconds, but it may take longer if the existing JCIHistorianDB is very large or the server is busy with other activities. If this timeout occurs during ADX installation, uninstall the ADX, restart, wait 5 to 10 minutes, and then reinstall ADX.

After a successful ADS/X upgrade, you see the following content under the View Status option:

* Device Upgrade: Password changed for the following users.... <list of user names>

The device upgrade process lists the user names whose passwords were updated to the default password that you specified when you performed the upgrade. Each user enters this default password upon initial log in, then defines a new password when prompted.

During an ADS/ADX installation or upgrade, you see the following error:

Could not determine SqlServer instance name.

This problem can occur on an ADX-Lite if SQL Server is not present or it is not running. Confirm that SQL Server is present and running before installing or upgrading an ADX-Lite. If you use Metasys UI version 1.5.1 or earlier, uninstall Metasys UI and try the installation or upgrade again.

After an ADS/ADX upgrade, you see one of the following errors:

Server is currently busy and data refresh will be delayed.

Unable to connect to server.

This problem occurs when the file does not update correctly. This file contains network parameters for ADS/ADX or ADS-Lite communication.

To solve this problem:
  1. Using Windows Explorer, browse to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Metasysiii\UI\Com\JCI\Framework.
  2. Open the file in a text editor.
  3. Find the following parameters and make sure the values are correct for your ADS/ADX or ADS-Lite:

    For ADS or ADS-Lite:




    For ADX:




  4. Save and close the file.
Note: Do not change any other parameters. Also, do not change the parameters to values other than those noted in this solution.

After an upgrade, one or more of the following happens:

  • The NAE serial printer DDA does not function correctly
  • A Metasys Reporting System refresh does not occur as expected
  • The Action Queue does not behave as expected
  • A behavior controlled by a .config file does not happen as expected

This problem occurs because upgrades overwrite the .config files for the Metasys system.

To retain custom settings related to the serial printer DDA, Metasys Advanced Reporting System refresh rate, and other system behavior, you must restore these customizations after each upgrade. Refer to the ADS/ADX Commissioning Guide (LIT-1201645).

After an ADS/ADX upgrade, you see one of the following errors:

The local event repository is getting full. Acknowledge or Discard some events to free up some space.

The event buffer of the network engine is almost full and the ADS/ADX cannot clear out the events. This issue may occur after the ADS/ADX is upgraded to new release but the network engine remains at an older release. To resolve, manually delete all the events from the network engine.

After an ADS/ADX upgrade, Spaces or the Network tree do not appear when you log on to the Metasys UI.

Allow one to two hours for 500 engines for the Online Archive to gather and fill the attributes and other data displayed in the Building Network tree. Do not access the building network tree objects or view the object's Detail widget during the initial startup and sync. Furthermore, do not issue Bulk Commands through the Advanced Search feature in the Metasys UI during initial startup and sync.

During an ADS/ADX install or upgrade, one of the following errors appears on the screen for the Reporting tab:

Error connecting to database. Could not find server or credentials are invalid.

Archive database could not be found in server instance.

For the first error, the specified user credentials are incorrect or the syntax used to specify the server name in the Server Name field is incorrect. The correct syntax is: <servername> (default instance) or <servername>\<database instance> (named instance). Valid examples:


For the second error, the archive name specified in the SCT Archive field is incorrect.

During an ADS/ADX upgrade, the following messages appear:

If you proceed with the upgrade process, the following Metasys users will be locked out and will not be able to login until their password is reset by an Administrator: FipsLockUsers.txt

To prevent user lock out, cancel the upgrade process, then remove the Never Expire property and set a new password for the affected users. The following users are affected:

- Release 7.x or earlier sites: All users.

- Release 8.0 and later sites: Users with passwords that have not been changed since the upgrade.

As the result of FIPS 140-2 compliance introduced at Metasys Release 11.0, existing user accounts are affected. Cancel the upgrade process. Then, for each affected user, set a new password and verify that the Never Expire property under Account Policy is not set. The FipsLockUsers.txt file lists the user accounts that you need to fix. Additionally, for all other Metasys users, set a new password for any user who has not changed their password in more than two years. Then, restart the upgrade process.

During an ADS/ADX install or upgrade, the following message appears:

Unsupported SQL Server version <version number>. Update to a supported SQL version and its latest Service Pack and Cumulative Update.

The version of SQL Server currently installed is not compatible with the ADS/ADX at Release 13.0. Exit the installer and see Prerequisite Software Checklist for Installation and Upgrade for a list of supported versions of SQL Server.

During an ADS/ADX install or upgrade, the following message appears:

We recommend that you check for updates to the SQL Server software. If applicable, apply the latest service pack and cumulative update.

This message is simply a notification that the version of SQL Server software currently installed on the computer is at the minimum level required for that version. The message is not prompting you to upgrade the SQL Server software that is currently installed on the computer. Click OK to continue with the installation, or click Cancel if you want to stop and upgrade to a later, supported version of SQL Server.

An update error occurs when you are trying to install the ADX software on a split ADX system.

A change from Microsoft made the Allow Updates server configuration option obsolete, adversely affecting the installation of ADX software. You need to execute a SQL Server script on the database server computer for a split ADX installation to work. Follow these steps:

  1. Start SQL Server Management Studio on the database server computer.
  2. Click New Query, and execute the following query:

    exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;




    sp_configure 'allow updates', 0;




  3. Run the ADX software installation again on the web/application server computer.

This error message appears while you uninstall older releases of ADS/ADX software:

Exception= -2147217900

User 'g3-user' does not exist in the current database.

Last command=exec sp_dropuser N'g3-user'

The ADS/ADX uninstallation program could not locate and drop user g3-user. This situation does not affect the uninstallation. You can ignore the message.

When you uninstall the ADX with Metasys Advanced Reporting, you receive the following error message:

ADX uninstall could not remove the folder C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MetasysReports. You should remove the Folder(s) and all contents manually.

When this error occurs, the uninstall program could not remove the MetasysReports folder.

Click OK to continue. After uninstalling the ADX software, manually delete the following folder and all its contents:


When you uninstall the ADS/ADX, you receive the following error message:

FIPS Update installation detected. Please remove FIPS Update and then run this setup again.

When this error occurs, the uninstall program could not remove the ADS/ADX software because the Metasys FIPS component must be uninstalled from the computer. Remove the FIPS License Update first, (Uninstalling and unlicensing FIPS component), then remove the ADS/ADX software.

You cannot browse from a client computer into the SMP UI or SCT UI on the ADS, ADS-Lite, or ADX .

The computer's firewall settings may be set incorrectly. See Configuring the Windows Defender firewall for steps on how to configure the firewall.

During the installation of Windows operating system features, a Windows Features dialog box appears that reads:

Windows needs files from Windows Update to finish installing some features.

Two choices are given:

  • Download files from Windows Update
  • Don't connect to Windows Update

Windows is trying unsuccessfully to access the Internet to retrieve .NET Framework 3.5 files or other necessary updates. Select either choice and refer to the Windows support website for further instructions.

When you try to navigate to a website using a server-class operating system with the Enhanced Security Configuration enabled, the Internet Explorer web browser displays a message box saying the content is blocked.

Add the site to your web browser as a trusted site or disable Enhanced Security.

To disable Enhanced Security for the server operating system, follow these steps:

  1. Start Server Manager.
  2. On the Server Manager window, click Local Server.
  3. In the right column, set the parameter IE Enhanced Security Configuration to Off.

The Metasys III Device Manager and Metasys III Action Queue services stop every time the services are started. The ADS/ADX is not functional.

The Site Management Portal generates this error message:

Unable to Login. Unexpected Error.

The Windows server computer (web/application server computer in a split configuration) must allow the Metasys III Device Manager and Metasys Action Queue services to run.

The services may need to be explicitly allowed to run. Use the Security Configuration Wizard to identify the Metasys III Device Manager service and Metasys III Action Queue service as Windows services that are allowed to run.

This error may appear when a user is denied access to the ADS/ADX computer over the network.

To resolve this problem:
  1. Select Control Panel > System and Security > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.

  2. With User Rights Assignment selected in the left pane, right-click Deny access to this computer from the network in the right pane, then select Properties.
  3. On the Local Security Settings tab, make sure that the user's name is not listed. If the user’s name appears, select it and click Remove.
  4. Close all windows.

Anti-spyware software is installed on the computer and is not configured to allow the Metasys III Device Manager Service or Metasys III Action Queue Service to run; or, the anti-spyware software is not allowing the hosts file to be updated.

Refer to the Network and IT Guidance Technical Bulletin (LIT-12011279).

You have a general problem with the SQL Server Software installation or upgrade (including error messages or non-functional tools).

To resolve this problem:
  1. Start SQL Server Management Studio and drop all databases that begin with JCI and drop all Reporting Services databases.
  2. Remove all SQL Server software related files using Add/Remove Programs.
  3. Attempt to install SQL Server software again. Always restart the computer after each installation.

Because SQL Server software versions and configurations vary, your upgrade procedure may differ from what is documented in Johnson Controls literature. If your upgrade does not follow the steps published in our literature and you are unsure about which selections to make, go to for information. Perform a search based on the version of SQL Server software you want to install; for example, SQL Server 2019 or Upgrading to SQL Server 2019.

While using the SQL Installer tool, you receive a user or error message during SQL Server software installation or upgrade. Possible messages include:

SQL Server Install error

Instance Name already installed

Install failed - Missing Windows Installer 5.0

Install failed - Missing .NET 3.5 SP1

No new features were installed during the setup execution

The OS does not meet the minimum requirements for this SQL Server install

Install failed - Bad software key

WARNING: Please install the following prerequisites: .NET 3.5 SP1, Windows Installer 5.0

Consult the error log file. The error messages file is located in the following folder:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\<number based on the SQL release>\Setup Bootstrap\Log\Summary.txt

Correct the problem and try the SQL Server installation or upgrade again.

While using the SQL Installer tool, you experience installation problems after you edit the text in the Command Line Options window of the SQL Installer.

The text within the Command Line Options window contains errors. Correct the errors or restart the SQL Installer so that the Command Line Options window defaults to its original content.

You are trying to upgrade a split ADX but do not know the SQL Server database instance name in use by the ADX.

Log in to the database server of the split ADX. Start the Registry Editor (regedit). In the tree on the left, browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Johnson Controls\Metasys\ADS. The DBServer field displays the name of the SQL Server instance currently in use by the ADX.

The ADS/ADX installation or upgrade fails and the following error message appears:

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint error.

In the Control Panel, open the System Properties window and verify that the Verify that the computer name meets the following criteria:
  • begins with a letter, not a number
  • contains a maximum of 15 characters
  • contains only letters A–Z (upper or lower case), numbers 0–9, and hyphens
  • does not end in ADS
  • matches the object ID of the device object as defined in the SCT archive database (upgrade only)

If the computer name does not meet these criteria, change the computer name.

Refer to the ADS/ADX Commissioning Guide (LIT-1201645).

During installation of SQL Server Management Studio, you receive this error message:

Setup is missing prerequisites - MSXML6

You need to install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 before you install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio software. Cancel the installation and install .NET Framework 3.5 first, then install SQL Server Management Studio software.

During SNE or SNC commissioning, you find that you cannot change the JCI IP Address and Computer Name attributes at the same time.

For SNE and SNC engines upgraded to Release 13.0, you cannot change the Computer Name and JCI IP Address at the same time. If you need to change both of these attributes, change one at a time. The engine resets after each operation.

The ADS/ADX software does not function correctly after you do one of the following:
  • Attempt to reinstall SQL Server software because it appears to be damaged.
  • Upgrade from an older version of SQL Server Express software to a newer version of SQL Server Express software outside the regular upgrade process.
To correctly change your SQL Server software outside the usual install or upgrade process, follow these steps:
  1. Back up all archive databases and back up the historical databases: JCIAuditTrails, JCIEvents, JCIHistorianDB, JCIItemAnnotation, JCIReportingDB, SpacesAuthorization, and MetasysReporting.
  2. Uninstall the SCT and ADS/ADX software using Add/Remove Programs or Uninstall a Program.
  3. Reinstall or upgrade SQL Server software as you intended.
  4. Restore the archive databases and the historical databases: JCIAuditTrails, JCIEvents, JCIHistorianDB, JCIItemAnnotation, JCIReportingDB, SpacesAuthorization, and MetasysReporting.
  5. Reinstall the ADS/ADX .
If you have already changed SQL Server software without uninstalling the ADS/ADX , follow these steps:
  1. Back up all archive databases and back up the historical databases: JCIAuditTrails, JCIEvents, JCIHistorianDB, JCIItemAnnotation, JCIReportingDB, SpacesAuthorization, and MetasysReporting.
  2. Uninstall the ADS/ADX software using Add/Remove Programs or Uninstall a Program.
  3. Restore the archive databases and the historical databases: JCIAuditTrails, JCIEvents, JCIHistorianDB, JCIItemAnnotation, JCIReportingDB, SpacesAuthorization, and MetasysReporting.
  4. Reinstall the ADS/ADX .

After upgrading to a newer version of SQL Server, ADS/ADX no longer starts.

To correctly change your SQL Server software outside the usual install or upgrade process, follow these steps:
  1. Back up all archive databases and back up the historical databases: JCIAuditTrails, JCIEvents, JCIHistorianDB, JCIItemAnnotation, JCIReportingDB, SpacesAuthorization, and MetasysReporting.
  2. Uninstall the ADS/ADX software.
  3. Reinstall or upgrade SQL Server software.
  4. Restore the archive databases and the historical databases: JCIAuditTrails, JCIEvents, JCIHistorianDB, JCIItemAnnotation, JCIReportingDB, SpacesAuthorization, and MetasysReporting.
  5. Reinstall the ADS/ADX .
If you have already changed SQL Server software without uninstalling the ADS/ADX , follow these steps:
  1. Back up all archive databases and back up the historical databases: JCIAuditTrails, JCIEvents, JCIHistorianDB, JCIItemAnnotation, JCIReportingDB, SpacesAuthorization, and MetasysReporting.
  2. Uninstall the ADS/ADX software.
  3. Uninstall the SQL Server software.
  4. Using Windows Explorer, browse to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot and delete the MetasysIII folder.
  5. Browse to C:\WINDOWS\inf\009 and C:\WINDOWS\inf\inc and delete the MSSQLServer folder in each one.
  6. Install SQL Server software.
  7. Restore the archive databases and the historical databases: JCIAuditTrails, JCIEvents, JCIHistorianDB, JCIItemAnnotation, JCIReportingDB, SpacesAuthorization, and MetasysReporting.
  8. Reinstall the ADS/ADX .

If you back up a database using a newer version of SQL Server software, you cannot restore the database on a system using any older version of SQL Server software.

After you convert databases created with an older version of SQL Server software to a newer version of SQL Server software, you cannot go back to the older format. Two different SQL Server software formats cannot coexist on the same computer.

If you have some customers who use the older version of SQL software and some customers who use the newer version of SQL software, you must maintain the SQL software versions on separate computers. You can work around this issue by downloading from a system running a newer version of SQL Server software and then uploading the archive into a system running an older version of SQL Server software.

During an installation or upgrade of SQL Server Express, you may see a reference to a file named sqlncli.msi or the following error message:

An installation package for the product Microsoft SQL Native Client cannot be found.

To resolve this error:
  1. Cancel the installation or upgrade.
  2. In Control Panel, go to Add or Remove Programs.
  3. Select Microsoft SQL Server Native Client.
  4. Click Remove and follow the instructions.
  5. Attempt the installation or upgrade again. You may see slightly different screens during the installation or upgrade after you remove the native client.

The ADS/ADX does not start.

Follow these steps to verify the correct SQL Server software protocols are enabled:
  1. Start SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  2. Expand SQL Server Network Configuration.
  3. Select Protocols for MSSQLSERVER (or other instance name).
  4. In the list of protocols, make sure Named Pipes and TCP/IP are enabled. If Named Pipes and TCP/IP are not enabled, open each and enable them.
  5. Close SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  6. Restart your computer.

The following error appears when you try to log in to the ADS/ADX :

Unable to Authorize Active Directory User.

If this server is running at an MVE site, the Active Directory single sign-on (SSO) feature is not available for the ADX UI (per design).

Alternatively, t he user account settings for the Active Directory may be invalid. To work around this problem, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to the Site Management Portal UI and select Tools > Administrator.
  2. Select Server Configuration > Active Directory.
  3. Select the user in the Active Directory Service Accounts table and click Edit.
  4. Verify the user name and provide the user's current password.
  5. Click Save.
To permanently solve this problem, use a dedicated Active Directory account that has the password set to never expire as the Active Directory Service Account. (For details, refer to the Security Administrator System Technical Bulletin [LIT-1201528]).

The following error appears when you try to log in to the ADS/ADX :

Error: Unable to Login. Unexpected Error.

Solution 1: The Internet Explorer web browser proxy setting is set to bypass the proxy server for local addresses. To resolve this problem, start the browser and select Tools > Internet Options. Click the Connections tab, then LAN Settings. On the Local Area Network Settings window, select Automatically Detect Settings and select Use automatic configuration script. Type the address of the proxy server. Then, clear both check boxes under the Proxy server section. Relaunch the browser.

Solution 2: The URL of the ADS/ADX you entered included a space. Remove the space and reload the page.

Solution 3: The Launcher is configured to use a proxy server, even though the network does not require a proxy server. Open the Launcher and click the Network Settings button. On the Network Settings window, select Use browser settings.

Solution 4: Microsoft SQL Server is not running. Start the SQL Server service with the SQL Server Configuration Manager.

Solution 5: SQL Server is missing from the computer’s Path variable. To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
  1. Select Settings > Control Panel > System.
  2. Click the Advanced tab, then click the Environment Variables button.
  3. Under System Variables, double-click on the Path entry.
  4. On Edit System Variable window, make sure the SQL path is present somewhere within the variable value string.

    For SQL Server 2022 software, the path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL16.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn.

    For SQL Server 2019 software, the path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn.

  5. If the path is not present, add it using a semicolon (;) at the start of the string as a separator.

Solution 6: The computer contains files from an earlier operating system or from an earlier version of Metasys software that is conflicting with the updated software. Verify that a folder with an older OS does not exist on the hard disk (for example, WINDOWS.OLD).

Solution 7: The computer is using an older version of the Internet Explorer web browser. Upgrade the browser to version 11.

A message box appears displaying the error Intranet settings are turned off by default within the Windows Internet Explorer browser window when you try to launch the SMP UI:

To avoid the Intranet Settings Turned Off dialog box, open Windows Internet Explorer and click to clear the Automatically detect intranet network check box in Tools > Internet Options > Security > Local Intranet > Sites. Select the following options:
  • Include all local (intranet) sites not listed in other zones
  • Include all sites that bypass the proxy server
  • Include all network paths (UNCs)

The following error appears when you try to open ADS/ADX from the Launcher:

Missing Resource File.

You are trying to use an older version of Launcher that is not compatible with this ADS/ADX release. Uninstall the old version of Launcher, then try again. Or to have the latest Launcher pushed to your computer directly from the ADS/ADX computer, open the browser and go to http://<server computer name or IP address>/launcher.msi.

The following error appears when you try to log in to the ADS/ADX :

Login failed: Device runtime status has not been determined.

IIS applications are dependent on IIS logging. If you disable IIS logging then you will need to restart the server.

After you upgrade the ADS or ADX device in an SCT archive to Release 12.0 or later, the archive download fails. The status details for the download failure from View Status in SCT’s ActionQ lists messages similar to the following:

Create message from archive failed: class, status | 286 | 33289


Create message failed: failed attr, failed attr | 32591 | 32591

This issue is seen when the Third party BBMDs attribute (attribute ID 32591) of the site object (class ID 286) contains a value with an invalid/incompatible data type (status 33289).

You may see this issue when upgrading an ADS or ADX from a release earlier than Release 12.0, to Release 12.0 or later.

To correct this issue, follow the steps listed in Checking third party BBMDs compatibility for ADS/ADX upgrades and then retry the archive download.

After upgrading the ADS or ADX device in an SCT archive to Release 12.0 or later, the archive download fails. The status details for the download failure (from View Status in SCT’s ActionQ) lists messages similar to the following:

Create message from archive failed: class, status | 425 | 272


Create message failed: failed attr, failed attr | 32568 | 32568

This issue is seen when the Email DDA attribute (attribute ID 32568) of the ADS/ADX object (class ID 425) contains an illegal or incompatible character (status 272).

You may see this issue when you upgrade an ADS or ADX from a release earlier than Release 12.0, to Release 12.0 or later.

To correct this issue, follow the steps listed in Checking email DDA compatibility for ADS/ADX upgrades and then retry the archive download.