Clearing Out Pending Event Messages from Message Queue - Metasys - LIT-12012162 - MS-ADS05U-0 MS-ADX10U-0 MS-ADX10SQL-0 MS-ADX25U-0 MS-ADX25SQL-0 MS-ADX50U-0 MS-ADX50SQL-0 MS-ADX50SQL2-0 MS-ADX100U-0 MS-ADX100SQL2-0 - Server - Metasys Server - 12.0.50

Metasys Server Installation and Upgrade Instructions

Building Automation Systems > Application Servers > Metasys Server
Document type
Installation Guide
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About this task

Note: This procedure only applies if you have Metasys Release 5.0 through Metasys Release 10.1.


  1. Log in to the computer that you intend to upgrade the Metasys Server software.
  2. End the Metasys III Device Manager task on the Metasys Server computer. Right-click the Windows taskbar and start Task Manager. Click the Processes tab and click Show processes for all users. Locate a task called Metasys III Device Manager. Select this task and click End Task or End Process. The Metasys III Device Manager service stops.
  3. On the Start menu, click Run or hold down the Windows key and press R. The Run box appears.
  4. In the Run box, type compmgmt.msc and click OK. The Computer Management screen appears (Figure 1).
    Figure 1. Computer Management Window

  5. In the left pane, expand Services and Applications > Message Queuing > Private Queues. Select Private Queues so that the Metasys queues appear (Figure 2).
    Figure 2. Computer Management: Metasys Private Queues

  6. Verify that the number of messages in each of these Metasys queues is 0:




    These are the only queues that may contain customer critical data.

  7. If each of these Metasys queues has 0 messages, go to Step 8.

    If any of these Metasys queues has one or more messages, contact the Johnson Controls Field Support Center (FSC) for further instruction. Do not proceed to the Metasys Server uninstall steps until FSC helps you manually process the event messages.

  8. Select each Metasys queue under the Private Queues table and select Action > Delete. Repeat until you have deleted all Metasys queues. Go to Step 11.
    • If you do not have operating system permission access to delete the queues, you need to take ownership of each queue. Go to Step 9.
    • If the operating system displays an error message indicating that you cannot take ownership of any queue, go to Step 10.
  9. To take ownership of a Metasys queue, right-click the queue and select Properties. Select the Security tab and then click Add. In the Select Users or Groups window, type Administrators, and then click Check Names to select the Administrators account. Click OK. In the queue’s Properties dialog box, select Full Control under the Allow column. Click OK to complete the process. Go back to Step 8 to delete the Metasys queues.
  10. Uninstall the Message Queuing component from Windows, making sure that the operating system media is available or that your hard disk contains the files necessary for the reinstallation. The process to uninstall Message Queuing varies slightly depending on your operating system:
    • If you use Windows 10, in Control Panel select Programs > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off. Clear the Microsoft Message Queuing Server Core component check box, and follow the steps to complete the uninstallation.

    • If you are using Windows Server 2019 or Windows Server 2016, in Control Panel, select Programs > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off. The Server Manager Dashboard and the Add Roles and Features Wizard appear. In the Server Manager Dashboard, click Local Server, and then click Manage > Remove Roles and Features. The Remove Roles and Features Wizard appears. Click Next until you reach the Remove features screen. Locate Message Queuing in the Features table. Clear the check box for Message Queuing. All related check boxes also clear. Click Next, then click Remove to proceed with the removal of Message Queuing.
  11. Close the Computer Management window.