Metasys Server Installation - Metasys - LIT-12012162 - MS-ADS05U-0 MS-ADX10U-0 MS-ADX10SQL-0 MS-ADX25U-0 MS-ADX25SQL-0 MS-ADX50U-0 MS-ADX50SQL-0 MS-ADX50SQL2-0 MS-ADX100U-0 MS-ADX100SQL2-0 - Server - Metasys Server - 12.0.50

Metasys Server Installation and Upgrade Instructions

Building Automation Systems > Application Servers > Metasys Server
Document type
Installation Guide
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Revision date
Product status

This section includes the steps for installing Metasys Server software. Before you begin the installation process, make sure you review Pre-Work checklist for new installations and upgrades.

If you instead need to upgrade existing Metasys Server software, see Metasys Server In-Place Upgrade or Metasys Server Out-of-Place Upgrade.

Which type of Metasys Server are you installing?
Unified ADS Select to install the Metasys Server on a desktop operating system.
Unified ADS with SCT Select to install the Metasys Server and SCT on a desktop operating system.
Unified ADX Select to install the Metasys Server on a server-class operating system.
Unified ADX with SCT Select to install the Metasys Server and SCT on a server-class operating system.
Split ADX with SCT Select to install a split Metasys Server where database component is installed on one server-class system, the web/application component is installed on another server-class operating system, and SCT is installed on a desktop or server-class operating system.