Installing Unified Metasys Server on Desktop OS - Metasys - LIT-12012162 - MS-ADS05U-0 - MS-ADX100SQL2-0 - MS-ADX100U-0 - MS-ADX10SQL-0 - MS-ADX10U-0 - MS-ADX25SQL-0 - MS-ADX25U-0 - MS-ADX50SQL-0 - MS-ADX50SQL2-0 - MS-ADX50U-0 - Server - Metasys Server - 11.0

Metasys Server Installation and Upgrade Instructions

Building Automation Systems > Application Servers > Metasys Server
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Installation Guide
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Table 1. Supported Platforms Unified Metasys Server on Desktop OS

Supported Operating System

Supported Database Options

Windows® 10 Pro and Windows 10 Enterprise Editions versions 1903, 1909, and 2004 (64-bit). For all future Windows 10 updates after version 2004, we will evaluate and certify that Metasys software can support the updates before we provide guidance on support.

SQL Server® 2019 Express (64-bit)

SQL Server® 2017 Express with CU17 (64-bit)

SQL Server® 2016 Express with SP2 CU10 (64-bit)

SQL Server® 2014 Express with SP3 CU4 (64-bit)

Windows® 8.1 Pro and Windows 8.1 Enterprise Editions with Update (KB2919355) (64-bit)

SQL Server® 2017 Express with CU17 (64-bit)

SQL Server® 2016 Express with SP2 CU10 (64-bit)

SQL Server® 2014 Express with SP3 CU4 (64-bit)

Use the steps in the following table for installing and configuring the Metasys Server software on a computer with a desktop operating system.

Table 2. Installing Unified Metasys Server on Desktop OS



Reference or Additional Steps


Verify that the computer intended for Metasys Server software has one of the following supported Windows desktop operating systems:
  • Windows® 10 Pro and Windows 10 Enterprise Editions versions 1903, 1909, and 2004 (64-bit). For all future Windows 10 updates after version 2004, we will evaluate and certify that Metasys software can support the updates before we provide guidance on support.
  • Windows® 8.1 Pro and Windows 8.1 Enterprise Editions with Update (KB2919355) (64-bit)
Also run Windows Update to verify the operating system is up to date.
Open a command prompt window and run the command msinfo32. Verify the version against the following list:
  • Windows 10: Version 1903 10.18362
  • Windows 8.1 with Update 1: Version 6.3.9600
Start Windows Update from the Search box and apply all required and recommended updates before installing any Metasys software.


Verify that the computer name is valid for Metasys Server software.

In Control Panel, click System and Security > System and verify the computer name that appears in the window meets the following criteria:
  • begins with a letter, not a number
  • contains a maximum of 15 characters
  • contains only letters A-Z (upper or lower case), numbers 0-9, and hyphens
    Note: Underscores are not valid for the Metasys system.
  • does not end in letters ADS
  • does not contain any diacritic or accent marks


Configure the Windows Firewall to ensure the ports that Metasys software requires are open.

See Configuring the Windows firewall.


Follow the appropriate step:
  • If you are installing the Metasys Server software on an English language computer, skip to the next step.
  • If you are installing the Metasys Server software on a non-English language computer, you need to set the computer's regional settings and the default language used by the SQL Server database to the same locale as the site default language.

Consult the Microsoft documentation and see Installing Metasys Server for a Non-English Locale.


If the computer has multiple network cards, configure the network card that the Metasys Server software is to use.

See Configuring Additional Network Cards.


Install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 if the computer does not have this software feature installed.

In Control Panel, click Programs > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on and off. Click the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or .NET Framework 3.5 feature. Check the HTTP Activation component. If you do not have Internet access, insert the operating system media, open a Command prompt with Run as Administrator, and execute this command (where <drive> is the disk drive with the media): Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:<drive>:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess.


Make sure all required software components are enabled. The Metasys Server installer does not enable all required Windows components. If any required component is missing, server installation and operation can fail.

See Required Windows operating system roles and features for more information.

Select the appropriate action:
  • If you want to allow the Metasys Server setup program to automatically choose where historical databases are created, skip to the next step.
  • If you want to specify a custom location for the Metasys historical databases (for example, E: drive), follow the step on the right.

See Specifying Custom Locations for Metasys Server Application and Databases. This section explains how to install SQL Server software and SQL Server Management Studio to the alternate disk drive (for example, E: drive). After completing the SQL Server installation steps, follow the next step below.


If you want the Metasys Server to use trusted certificates instead of self-signed certificates (the default), configure the certificates on the Metasys Server before installing the software. Otherwise, go to the next step.

See Appendix: Certificate management and security.


Install the Metasys Server software, which also installs a supported version of SQL Server software.

See Installing Metasys Server: Default Method . However, if you want to install to an alternate disk drive, see Installing Metasys Server: Custom Method.


License the Metasys ADS software with the Software Manager.

Refer to the Software Manager Help (LIT-12012389).


Start Launcher and add a profile for the Site Management Portal (SMP).

Refer to Launcher Tool Help (LIT-12011742) .


Start Metasys SMP from the Launcher and verify proper operation.

See Launching the User Interfaces .


(OPTIONAL) If you want to move the Metasys historical databases now, use SQL Management Studio to move the databases to the desired location.

See Moving Metasys Historical Databases to a Custom Location.


Install the Metasys Database Manager.

Refer to the Metasys Database Manager Installation Guide (LIT-12011553) .


If prompted, restart the computer.

Use the standard procedure to restart the operating system.


(OPTIONAL) If you need the server to be FIPS compliant, enable FIPS mode and install the Metasys FIPS component.

See Enabling and installing FIPS component.