Options Tab - Metasys - LIT-12011964 - MS-SCTRMOT-0 - MS-SCTSWO-0 - MS-SCTSWO-6 - Bulb controller - Metasys System Configuration Tool - 13.2

Metasys SCT: System Configuration Tool Help

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Metasys System Configuration Tool
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User Guide
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Attributes associated with the default state, control source, and restart options for an object are shown under the Options tab of the display panel. Attributes marked with the letter C are configurable and attributes marked with the letter W are writeable.

Table 1. Options Tab

Attribute Name


Initial Value



Auto Restore



Applies to AO, BO, MO, AV, BV, and MV objects.

Connected Status



Applies to AV, BV, and MV objects.

Indicates the current status of the connection between the AV/BV/MV and the object that is specified in the Connected To attribute.

Connected To

C, W, N

Object Name, Reference, Attribute

Applies to AV, BV, and MV objects.

Specifies an optional attribute reference of another object in the system to which the AV/BV/MV is connected. The direction of the data flow depends on the value of the Direction attribute.


C, W

Not Connected

Sends Value To; Receives Value From; Not Connected

Applies to AV, BV, and MV objects.

Specifies the directional flow of data if the Connection To attribute is configured. If the Connected To attribute is not set, this attribute is not used. Three direction states can be written:

  • Sends Value To: changes to Present Value are sent to the object/attribute configured in Connected To.
  • Receives Value From: changes to Present Value are received from the object/attribute configured in Connected To. If the AV/BV/MV is set to Monitor Only=True, you cannot set the Direction.
  • Not Connected: the object is not connected to any source or destination; the value of the Connected To attribute is ignored.

Ignore Relinquish Default



Applies to AO, BO, MC, MO, AV, BV, and MV objects.

Local Control



True or False

Applies to AO, BO, MO, AV, BV, and MV objects.

Relinquish Default



Values and ranges depend on object type.

Applies to AO, BO, MC, MO, AV, BV, and MV objects.

Restore Command Priority


Operator Override

Uses Restore Priority

Applies to AO, BO, MC, MO, AV, BV, and MV objects.