Tailored Summary Viewer - Metasys - LIT-12011964 - MS-SCTRMOT-0 - MS-SCTSWO-0 - MS-SCTSWO-6 - Bulb controller - Metasys System Configuration Tool - 13.2

Metasys SCT: System Configuration Tool Help

Building Automation Systems > Building Automation Systems > Metasys System Configuration Tool
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User Guide
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Use the Tailored Summary Viewer to view and modify large quantities of similar data in a tabular format.

The Tailored Summary Viewer uses SCT Summary Definitions (Insert > SCT Summary Definition) in SCT to define how the similar data is displayed. Once created, the SCT Summary Definitions are located under the Configuration Data object in the All Items tree in SCT only.

You can use one of the following two workflows for the Tailored Summary Viewer:
  • In the All Items Tree, select the desired objects. Click View > Tailored Summary Viewer. In SCT, you can select the SCT Summary Definition of what and how the information for the selected objects is displayed.
  • Click Query > Global Search. Select the search location, enter the desired criteria, and click Search. From the search results, select the desired objects. In SCT, you can select the SCT Summary Definition of what and how the information for the selected objects is displayed.

In SCT , you can use the Tailored Summary Viewer to view and modify large quantities of data. Once data appears in a Tailored Summary View, you can select data in the view, right-click the data you want to modify, and select the Modify function to edit the data pertinent information. After you make modifications to data in the viewer, you must right-click the header of the view to refresh the screen.