About this task
The device you want to update must be at Metasys Release 5.2 or later and the image files must exist on the SCT computer at this default location:
Use the Metasys Engine Importer to install engine image files. For more information, refer to the Extracting the Disk Images to Your Computer section of the NAE Update Tool Help (LIT-12011524).
If more than one image file exists on the SCT computer under this folder location, SCT selects the most recent image file for the model of NAE that you are downloading. SCT does not provide a method for selecting which image file to download. To select an image file other than the most recent, use either the NAE Update Tool or the reflash option in SCT Pro. After SCT updates the software disk image of the supervisory engine, SCT downloads the archive database into the supervisory engine.
Update the Disk Image of a Supervisory Engine: